Blog Archives


Dear Elementary School Parents, We were notified of the following additional positive Covid-cases in the Elementary School. Due to German data privacy laws and confidentiality, we are unable to tell you the names of the students. Grade 3 – one

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Dear JFKS Elementary School Families,  Thank you so much for your support during these difficult times with the Corona pandemic.  As many of you are aware we have received numerous reports of elementary students with positive PCR tests, positive rapid

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Dear Elementary School Parents, We were notified of two cases in Grade 3. Due to German data privacy laws and confidentiality, we are unable to tell you the names of the students. After we were notified, we consulted with the

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BERMUN: Closing Ceremony (20.11.)

We invite you to join us for the BERMUN Closing Ceremony: Saturday, November 20 – 14:30 Livestream Link   –

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BERMUN: Special Event Taiwan – Livestream Talk (19.11.)

We invite you to join us for the following event: Friday, November 19 – 15:00-16:00 Livestream Talk with Taiwan Representative Prof. Shieh on the topic of “A Future Peace between Taiwan and China: Idealistic or Realistic?” Further, we invite you to browse

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BERMUN: Special Event Ukraine – Livestream Talk (18.11.)

We invite you to join us for the following event: Thursday, November 18 – 14:00-15:00 Livestream Talk with Ukrainian Deputy Ambassador Maksym Yemelianov, on the topic of “A Future Peace between Ukraine and Russia: Idealistic or Realistic?” Further, we invite you to

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ES: Parent Survey – Student Attendance on December 1

Dear JFKS Families, On December 1st, the Staff Council (Personalrat) is hosting a staff meeting (Personalversammlung) for all teachers of the centrally managed schools of the Senat. The meeting informs teachers about changes in the school system, benefits, and their

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Dear Elementary School Parents, We were notified of two additional cases in Entrance Class and another positive case of COVID-19 in Grade 5. Due to German data privacy laws and confidentiality, we are unable to tell you the names of

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2021 BERMUN Opening Ceremony

Over 100 JFKS HS students are participating this year – on campus – along with over 550 students from 74 schools in 23 countries who will join the conference digitally using an online MUN platform designed by a former JFKS

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Dear Parents, We were notified that 2 11th graders tested positive for COVID-19. Due to German data privacy laws and confidentiality, we are unable to tell you their names. Immediately following our notification, we consulted with the Berlin Health Authorities

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