
Middle School Orchestra

This string ensemble is for grades 7 & 8, and open to all interested students without an audition. The class meets 2 hours a week and students are expected to participate for the entire year. This ensemble prepares literature which expands students’ knowledge of technique, tone and ensemble playing. Students need to provide their own instrument (except String Bass) and private lessons are strongly encouraged, but not required. Students perform in at least 2 concerts a year, and other events as selected by the group.

(Students who are members of this group have the opportunity to audition for and participate in the European Middle School Honor Orchestra (grades 6-8) sponsored by AMIS (Association for the Music in International Schools)).

When? Tuesday and Friday, 9th period

Director: Mr. Hale ()

High School Orchestra

This string ensemble is for string players in grades 9 – 12 and is open to all interested students without an audition. The HS Orchestra meets 3 hours a week and prepares high-level repertoire throughout the year. This graded class gives 3-5 concerts per year, one being for the annual Advent Service at the Berliner Dom in December. Other concerts are performed at various churches in Berlin, in the JFKS Aula, and/or for graduation. Students have the opportunity to take this class as a Grundkurs with additional project work assigned.

(Students who are members of this group have the opportunity to audition for and participate in the High School Honor Orchestra (grades 9-12) sponsored by AMIS (Association for the Music in International Schools)).

When? Tuesday, 10th period; Monday and Friday, 6th period

Director: Mr. Hale ()


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The JFKS Fine Arts Department

Ms. Martin - Elementary School

Dr. Curtis - High School

Fr. Freymadl - Oberstufe

Music Office G114
Phone +49-30-90299 5187

Fr. Stahl, G203

Phone +49-30-90299 5762

Mr. Ball, G116

Phone +49-30-90299 5634