The John F. Kennedy Friendship Center (FC) was founded by parents and teachers of the John F. Kennedy School as a non-profit German-American community center. The original goal of the FC was to further promote friendship between Berliners and Americans. As the situation in Berlin has changed following reunification, the FC still strives to support this special bicultural community. While maintaining its emphasis on American and German traditions and cultures, the FC provides opportunities for all residents of Greater Berlin – newcomers and natives – to meet and enjoy each other’s company in many different settings.
In addition to our bilingual day care centers the Friendship Center brings people together by offering a program of activities for the family and for various interest groups: language classes, drama, gym, seminars, dance, art, music, special events and social gatherings. Our Activities Program contains all info and is published every two months. Membership is open to the general public.
Please check the FC website for more information:
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