
Supplementary Support and Care (eFöB) / After-School Care at the JFKS

Welcome to the John F. Kennedy Friendship Center e.V.

The John F. Kennedy Friendship Center e.V. (FC) is a non-profit German-American association that provides activities in the English and German language which was founded in 1983 as a German-American community center by parents and teachers of the JFKS.

The JFK Friendship Center offers two bilingual, bicultural daycare centers and is the cooperation partner for eFöB/after-school care at the John F. Kennedy School (JFKS).

In the eFöB, students from the JFKS elementary school are cared for by educators from the FC. The FC and the JFKS work closely together to pursue common pedagogical and bilingual goals during the before- and after-school care program. Among other things, we work according to the Berlin educational program that was created for all-day elementary schools as well as within the school framework agreement.

In the mornings before school starts, in the afternoons, on school free days and during school vacations, the FC offers eFöB within the school and at the Hort building (entrance class area and Teltower Damm 99 – 101). We offer the children in the after-school care program a wide range of experiences including projects, activities, free-play, excursions and overnight trips. In addition, to fostering a child’s social learning process, our educators provide activities for children to strengthen their critical thinking and problem solving skills.

Information regarding the after-school care program and our concept can be found on our homepage at https://jfkfc.org/.

Within the framework of the half-day elementary school (VHG), the bilingual educators of the after-school care center also provide support to the teachers and children during classroom instruction. Overall, the close cooperation between the school and the after-school care center contributes to the holistic support of the children at the JFKS.

For admission to the after-school care program, an application for supplementary support and care for elementary schools (Hort Voucher) must be submitted to the Youth Welfare Office of the district in which you live. Care is currently free of charge for children up to second grade. For children in the third to sixth grades, the costs are determined by the Youth Welfare Office and are based on your family’s income. The Youth Welfare Office determines how many hours of care you are entitled to. We are available between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. to provide care and support to your child.

Additional information, the application form and our contact details can be found on our homepage at https://jfkfc.org/anmeldung/.

Please direct all inquiries concerning the after-school care program to:

After-school care (eFöB) of the John F. Kennedy School
Teltower Damm 99-101
14167 Berlin
Tel.: 030 – 84 72 19 08

We look forward to meeting you and your child!


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