
The JFKS Choirs and other Vocal Ensembles provide an opportunity for students to contribute individually to a group success greater than one might achieve alone. This process demands the pursuit of academic excellence in the realm of choral music, and multilingual facility and understanding. The process fosters respect and understanding of one’s peers and the individual contribution each is capable of making to the group success. The outreach activities practiced by our ensembles reinforce the understanding of the value of musical expression for all people regardless of age or physical condition.

Students are encouraged to participate in choir starting in 3rd Grade and have the opportunity to continue with choir and other vocal ensembles until they graduate.

The Parent/Faculty/Alumni Choir is open to all adult members of the community and performs together with the student choirs on a regular basis.

7th/8th Grade Choir

The 7th & 8th Grade Choir at JFKS is a performing ensemble and service activity.  The choir is open to all 7th and 8th grade students. No audition is required.  Being in choir is a yearlong commitment and all choir members are expected to participate fully in every scheduled rehearsal and performance. Students in the choir are eligible to audition for the Small Ensemble and Stage Musical.

Choir rehearsals are held once weekly most weeks, twice weekly as we get closer to concert time.

Tuesdays for baritone, tenor and changing voices

Wednesdays for soprano and alto voices

Director: Lori Cook ()

7th/8th Grade Small Ensemble

Any 7th / 8th Grade Choir member may audition for the 7th / 8th Grade Small Ensemble, a group which rehearses extra times each week and which performs additional, more challenging music than that of the choir.  Small Ensemble members perform a stage musical each year.

When? Thursday, 9th period

Director: Lori Cook ()

9th-12th Concert Choir

The Concert Choir at JFKS is open to all interested students in grades 9 through 12. No audition is required for this large ensemble. Several high-profile performances are undertaken throughout the school year and a wide variety of music styles are explored (Medieval through modern pop and musical theater). In addition, concepts in music history and theory are covered in relation to the literature being sung. Healthy vocal technique is also taught and emphasized. The ensemble rehearses three times per week, and a yearlong commitment is required. Most students stay in choir for several, or all, of their upper high-school years. Abitur students may choose Concert Choir as one of their “Grundkurse.”

When? Monday, 10th period; Wednesday and Friday, 6th period

Director: Dr. Curtis (

Chamber Ensemble

The Chamber Ensemble is a small group of singers in grades 9-12.  An audition/invitation is required, and the group is open only to members of the high school choir.  More demanding repertoire is learned, and the ensemble performs on various concerts throughout the school year. 

Director: Dr. Curtis (

Vocal Techniques

The Vocal Techniques activity at JFKS is one in which small groups of students work on their singing voices as soloists. Healthy singing and good vocal production are taught and a wide variety of solo literature is explored. The work in the small groups often leads to (though doesn’t need to) public performances of the works studied. This activity is open to all students in grades 9-12 and each student is typically in one vocal techniques session per week.

Instructor: Dr. Curtis (

Women’s Chorus/Sweet Adelines

Women’s Chorus/Sweet Adelines is a young women’s vocal ensemble, which meets as an Activity once per week. An audition/interview with the director is required and students in grades 9 through 12 make up the ensemble. The emphasis is on performance of ta variety of styles of vocal/choral music. Regular performances are undertaken and the group is often requested to sing for various events inside and outside the school community. Good vocal technique is taught and practiced.

Director: Dr. Curtis (
