
JFKS students have the opportunity to participate in Band already in elementary school. In 5th grade all students have the opportunity to learn an instrument and play in the band as part of their Music Elective class.  Advanced 5th grade students may also audition to join the Advanced Band which is primarily made up of 6th grade students. In 6th grade, students who continue with the Advanced Band also have the opportunity to join the 6th-8th grade Jazz Band.

After moving on to High School, students have the opportunity to join the 7th/8th Grade Band and later the High School Band and Jazz Band.

Beginning Band

Instrumental music is available to all 5th graders at JFKS. Students who choose to play a woodwind, brass, or percussion instrument are part of a year-long ensemble which teaches the basics of their chosen instrument, good posture, tone, and music reading. Students are involved in a weekly band ensemble class as well as small group lessons. Instruments are provided by the school for a nominal rental fee. Students perform in two concerts during the school year. Advanced 5th grade band students (with previous experience on a band instrument) may perform in this group and/or they may audition to be part of the Advanced Band.

When? Wednesday, 3rd period

Director: Ms. Martin ()
Website for more information

Advanced Band

This ensemble is an elective choice that students in 6th grade can be part of. Younger students who are advanced on their instruments may audition with the director if they would like to be part of this group as well. Students must provide their own instrument unless they are playing bass clarinet, tenor/bari saxophone, or tuba/euphonium. Students continue to improve technique and tone on their instrument through weekly ensemble rehearsals and small-group lessons. Students perform two concerts a year (Winter and Spring). Private lessons are recommended for students, but not required. *If a student is interested in participating in both Orchestra and Band, they should contact the directors as this is a possibility!

When? Wednesday, 8th period

Director: Ms. Martin ()

Jazz Band

The Middle School Jazz Band is open to Advanced Band students in grades 6-8. Students will learn basic jazz/swing rhythms, blues scales, and have the opportunity to try basic improvisation. Instrumentation is open to woodwinds, brass, drums, piano, bass, and guitar. This ensemble rehearses once a week and performs in three concerts per year. Private lessons are strongly encouraged for members of this ensemble but not required.

When? Thursday, 9th period

Director: Ms. Martin ()


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The JFKS Fine Arts Department

Ms. Martin - Elementary School

Dr. Curtis - High School

Fr. Freymadl - Oberstufe

Music Office G114
Phone +49-30-90299 5187

Fr. Stahl, G203

Phone +49-30-90299 5762

Mr. Ball, G116

Phone +49-30-90299 5634