Parent Faculty Choir

For over 40 years the unique institution of the Parent/Faculty Choir has existed as a part of the school community. The group is open to all interested adults without audition. Though labeled “Parent/Faculty Choir,” friends of the school are also more than welcome. JFKS Alumni are especially welcome.

The ensemble rehearses once per week and prepares concerts together with the Concert Choir of the high school as well as performances of their own. Singing experience is not a requirement. Dedication and commitment to the group are, however, requirements.

When? Tuesday, 16:00-17:30

Director: Dr. Curtis ()


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The JFKS Fine Arts Department

Ms. Martin - Elementary School

Dr. Curtis - High School

Fr. Freymadl - Oberstufe

Music Office G114
Phone +49-30-90299 5187

Fr. Stahl, G203

Phone +49-30-90299 5762

Mr. Ball, G116

Phone +49-30-90299 5634