8th Grade Ski Trip

Every year in March our 8th graders travel to Austria for the annual 8th grade ski trip. 

ski trip

Dear 8th grade students, dear parents,

Below you can find a list of documents that will be distributed for the trip. Some you may have already received, other information will follow, including sign up sheet, packing list, breakdown of fees, bank information and deadlines.

Each year, approximately 130+ students and 14 teachers will spend almost two weeks in the ski area Hochfügen in Zillertal/Austria. We depart by bus from JFKS early on Sunday morning and will return to JFKS as well. Our arrival times will be posted on the JFKS website.

During the time of the trip, short reports will be posted on the website as well to give you a glimpse of what the students are experiencing.  

This trip is a fantastic opportunity and we encourage all 8th graders to participate. Should you have any questions, please contact Hr. Müller.

We look forward to another successful trip!

The Ski Trip Team

8th grade SKI TRIP 2024: March 3-15

Below are copies of the documents that are being sent home:

September: September:
Erste Informationen First Information
Oktober: October:
Hinweis Zuverlässigkeit Responsibility
Erklärung Gesundheit Health Declaration
PacklistePacking List
Einladung Elternabend (Nov.)
Invitation Parent Info Night (Nov.)
November: November:
ElternabendParent Evening
Februar: COMING SOONFebruary: FOLGT
Letzte InformationenLast Information

The JFKS Sports Department

High School
Hr. Nagel

Elementary School
Hr. Golldack

Mr. Mandel

Gym S109
Phone +49-30-90299 6436