The administration of the John F. Kennedy School consists of an American and a German Principal of the Elementary School (ES) and an American and German Principal of the High School (HS). One of these four is also the Managing Director of the John F. Kennedy School.
The principals lead the school as colleagues in accordance with the law and administrative regulations, as well as the instructions and resolutions of the Educational Directorate (E.D.) of the John F. Kennedy School and the decisions of the JFKS School Conference and faculty.
High School |
Elementary School |
American Principal (acting) Erin Hale |
American Principal Candace Martin-O’Connor |
Managing Director/German Principal Robert Bartz |
German Principal Angelika Ecke |
The assistant principals support and assist the Managing Director and principals in their administrative functions. They develop the schedule, supervision, and substitution plans and are responsible for discipline matters. They arrange for substitute teachers and substitute for the principal of their nationality and level as necessary.
High School |
Elementary School |
American Assistant Principal N.N. |
American Assistant Principal Dr. Shana Kennedy-Salchow |
German Assistant Principal (acting) Gianna Gillert |
German Assistant Principal N.N. |
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