Storm Warning: Feb. 10 – SCHOOL IS IN SESSION

The Senate has issued a statement that all schools, including JFKS, are in session tomorrow (Monday, February 10). See message below (last updated Sunday at 16:00). 

We urge you to check the weather report and conditions in the morning as well as the BVG website for any disruptions of train or bus services to ensure your children get to school safely and on time.

Should your children be delayed or absent from school, please follow the regular absence procedure by sending an email to the homeroom teacher as well as and ,  as applicable. A handwritten note is required to excuse your child upon his/her return to school. See JFKS Policies & Procedures for more information.

Von der Senatsverwaltung für Bildung, Jugend und Familie:

Sturmtief Sabine: An Berlins Schulen wird am morgigen Montag der Unterricht stattfinden. Eltern können aber ihr Kind vom Unterricht abmelden oder erst später zur Schule schicken, wenn ihnen der Schulweg zu gefährlich erscheint. Wir bitten die Eltern, in diesem Fall die Schule zu informieren. (Stand Sonntag 16.00 Uhr, bei neuen Entwicklungen werden wir informieren)

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