Dear Parents,
On behalf of the JFKS Verein and school counselling team, you are kindly invited to the upcoming special screening of the film SCREENAGERS. Students in Grades 5 through 12 will be shown the film during school hours in the week leading up to the parent screening on Friday, August 31st.
This internationally acclaimed documentary (70 mins) explores parental struggles over their teen’s use of digital media and offers solutions to help families find balance. Experts share their thoughts on the topics the movie covers, which include social media, video games, internet addiction, digital citizenship and more.
There will be two screenings of the film for parents to choose from. Tickets are free of charge but must be reserved in advance due to limited capacity. The morning screening is at 11.30 at Bali Kino, Teltowerdamm 33 (This is the small cinema in Zehlendorf Mitte). The evening screening is at 7pm in the large Aula at JKFS.
We look forward to seeing you there.
(Be on the lookout for an email from the PC with link to RSVP!)