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Tischtennis-Kurs besucht Spiel der 1. Bundesliga

Mit bis zu 150 Umdrehungen in der Sekunde und bis zu 180 km/h Geschwindigkeit bewegt sich ein kleiner weißer Tischtennisball.  Die Faszination der schnellsten Rückschlagsportart der Welt konnten die Kennedy-Schüler des Tischtennis-Kurses der Oberstufe am vergangenen Sonntag hautnah miterleben. Gemeinsam

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Who was here before us? The John F. Kennedy School and their neighbors remember… / October 16, 18h

Wer war vor uns da? Die John-F. Kennedy-Schule und ihre Nachbarn erinnern sich: Der Zweite Weltkrieg und die Stunde Null Zeitzeugen aus der unmittelbaren Nachbarschaft unserer Schule berichten von ihren Erfahrungen während des Zweiten Weltkriegs und danach. Wie war das damals?

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Berlin Relay Finals – Staffeltag der Berliner Oberschulen – 1 October 2014 at Jahnstadion in Prenzlauer Berg

Our students did it again: 10 relay teams grade 7-12 (5 girl teams and 5 boy teams) competed last Wednesday from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. against the best teams of all Berlin high schools. 6 teams could qualify for the finals. Congratulations

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6th Grade class trip to the Harz

On a beautiful sunny morning, our JFKS 6th graders departed for their traditional Harz trip today. Over 120 excited students and their teachers loaded their luggage into three large buses with Herr Roth, Mr. Pothen and Mr. Cortinas as well

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FUN DAY 2014 – Impressions

Once again the JFKS community celebrated a great Fun Day! Sunny weather and a wonderful atmosphere made it a special day for all:           Special Fun Day Merchandise by the JFKS School Shop           The 5th/6th Grade Choir opens the

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FUN DAY 2014 – Thank you!

A big thank you to all organizers, helpers and the whole JFKS community for making this once again such a special day!!

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1st Semester 2014/15 Test and Klausur Schedules online

The Test and Klausur schedules for the first semester of 2014/2015 are available in the students section of the website. To go there directly, please click here: Test and Klausur Schedules

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FUN DAY 2014 on September 27 – Save the Date!!

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JFKS Photo Week Schedule 2014

The school photographer will be at JFKS this week. Please check the Photo Schedule below for your child’s class and the assigned time slot. He will take class as well as individual pictures. (Schedule as of September 22 / Subject

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Relay Day / Staffeltag Steglitz-Zehlendorf 2014

On September 17, the best JFKS runners from both the elementary and high school competed at the Staffeltag der Berliner Schulen (Relay Day) at the Stadion Lichterfelde. Everybody was in a great mood and the weather was beautiful. Several relay

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