FUN DAY 2014 – Impressions

Once again the JFKS community celebrated a great Fun Day! Sunny weather and a wonderful atmosphere made it a special day for all:

FD14_3398          Special Fun Day Merchandise by the JFKS School Shop

DSC_1971           The 5th/6th Grade Choir opens the performance series at the Coffee House

FD14_3335 3rd Grade English MT Book Mark Sale

FD14_3359 Sunshine and fun…

FUNDAY PCB The old and the new Parent Council Board join forces at the PC booth

DSC_2003           Singing with Brianan unexpected musical reunion

FD14_3374 Quite a few parents, teachers and principals end up serving time in the 3rd grade jail

DSC_1991          JFKS Administrators unplugged: Reinhard Roth and Ted Anderson

FD14_3333 Tireless helpers: Custodians Hr. Gracner and Hr. Damman and others

FD14_3284         4th Grade smoothies

FD14_3310 American drinks and candy by the US Embassy CSA

FD14_3208 BERMUN International Food

FD14_3290 6th Grade fun pictures

FD14_3329 Nail painting

….. and so much more…. Looking forward to FUN DAY 2016!!!

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