Blog Archives


Dear Elementary School Parents, We were notified of another positive case of COVID-19 at the Elementary School in Grade 5. Due to German data privacy laws and confidentiality, we are unable to tell you the name of the students. Immediately

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Dear Elementary School Parents, This afternoon, we were notified of positive case of COVID-19 at the Elementary School in the Entrance Class. Due to German data privacy laws and confidentiality, we are unable to tell you the name of the

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HS: Ski Trip Parent Evenings now ONLINE (UPDATED)

Dear Parents,  Please read the letters below regarding the upcoming parent evenings for the 8th and 9th grade ski trips. Liebe Eltern,  bitte lesen Sie die nachstehenden Schreiben zu den bevorstehenden Elternabenden für die Skireisen der 8. und 9. Klassen.

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Dear Elementary School Parents, We were notified of another positive case of COVID-19 at the Elementary School in Grade 3. Due to German data privacy laws and confidentiality, we are unable to tell you the name of the students. Immediately

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ES: Reinstated Mask Policy

Dear Parents,  Please read the letter from the ES administration below in regard to the reinstated mask policy effective Wednesday, November 10.  Liebe Eltern,  bitte lesen Sie den untenstehenden Brief der Grundschulleitung in Bezug auf die wieder eingeführte Maskenpflicht ab

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Dear Elementary School Parents,We were notified of one positive case of COVID-19 at the Elementary School in Grade 3. Due to German data privacy laws and confidentiality, we are unable to tell you the name of the students. Immediately following

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ES: Thanksgiving Feasts 2021

Unfortunately with positive Covid cases rising, Thanksgiving Feasts will not be able to take place off campus in student homes. The Health Department is encouraging Elementary schools to limit contacts as much as possible, due to the recent increase of children with

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Dear Elementary School Parents, We were notified of two positive cases of COVID-19 at the Elementary School in Grade 5. Due to German data privacy laws and confidentiality, we are unable to tell you the name of the students. Immediately

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HS: Early Dismissals (Nov. 1+2+3+8) – Revised

Feedbackgespräche Am 1. und 3. November finden die Feedbackgespräche in der Zeit von 12:30 bis 16:30  für Schülerinnen und Schüler sowie deren Eltern statt, die coronabedingte Schwierigkeiten in mehreren Fächern haben. Die Einladungen zu diesen in Präsenz stattfindenden Gesprächen sind

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Return to School after Fall Break

**Deutsche Übersetzung unten** Dear Parents,  We hope everyone has had the opportunity to recharge during the fall break. We look forward to returning to campus on Monday but wanted to share the following with you:  CovidThe school has been notified

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