Blog Archives


The June School Bulletin has been sent out to all parents via email to the addresses we have on file. If you have not received the message and attachment and would like to be added to the mailing list, please

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INVITATION: AP Art Exhibition (08.06.)

You are cordially invited to the AP Art Exhibition, Reality Versus Unreality this Saturday, June 8.   The AP art students have curated together their best work and are exhibiting in a lovely gallery in Wedding.   We hope you

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HS: Learning Materials 2024-25

Dear Parents, As in the current school year, we continue to be requested by the Senate to collect the parent contribution for learning materials for students in the 7-12 grades. The participation is legally required according to the Berlin school

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Seven 12th graders who have been involved with the MUN program at JFKS for many years just returned from a trip to New York. This trip was special for many reasons. For some of our students this was their first

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INVITATION: Meeting for JFKS Child Protection Plan (Kinderschutz Plan)

Dear Parents of grades EC-11, We will be hosting a Parent Evening on Wednesday, May 29th, at 18:00 in the Large Aula to provide an overview of Child Protection at JFKS. Parents play a critical role in supporting the safety

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75th Anniversary – Berlin Airlift

Thank you to the Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, The JFKS Verein, JFKS Alumni Association, the JFKS students, teachers and administrators for supporting the JFKS Berlin Airlift Project. Special thanks to Ms. Hansen for coordinating all the efforts. The

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Are you  in the mood for a murder mystery? How about a story of teens’ lives being consumed by social media? Or the tale of a Nazi driven to the brink? Then come see the 11th grade DS show  on

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The May School Bulletin has been sent out to all parents via email to the addresses we have on file. If you have not received the message and attachment and would like to be added to the mailing list, please

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TONIGHT: Theatre Show is on! (03.05. at 19:00)

Dear audience, Despite the serious fire and the fumes and smoke associated with it near our school in Lichterfelde this morning, we will still be performing “THE VISIT – Der Besuch der alten Dame” today as planned. The authorities issued

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Current status at 15:07 ALL GRADE LEVELS EK-6 All students are in their HOMEROOMS and will not be dismissed without a parent picking them up personally. Please sign out your child in the homeroom. Hort children will be in the

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