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Dear parents Please read the letter from the Administration.   Stay healthy!   ********************************** Liebe Eltern   bitte lesen Sie den Brief von der Schulleitung. Bleiben Sie gesund! Link: Message from the Administration / Mitteilung der Schulleitung

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HS: Ski Trip Parent Evenings (8 + 9)

**Deutsche Übersetzung unten** Dear Parents,  Please visit the ski trip website (link here) to download all required forms and packing lists. The invitation to the parent evening was posted today.  Pay close attention to the different dates for the parent

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ES: Update on Evacuation

Dear Parents and Staff,  Most students have been picked up now. Thank you everyone for the great team work.  Any students still on campus are either in Hort, in the Aula (grades 3-6) or in classrooms (EC-2). The phones are

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ES: Evacuation due to Power Outage (01.10.)

***Deutsche Übersetzung unten*** Dear Parents, Due to an electrical outage the school needs to evacuate the school.  The doors, kitchen, etc. are not functioning properly, and due to fire code, the students cannot stay in the building.   We need parents

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Mask Policy Change

Dear parents,  Please read the letter from the administration below.  ****************** Liebe Eltern, bitte lesen Sie den Brief der Schulleitung.   LINK: Letter: Mask Policy Change – Brief: Änderung der Maskenregeln   _

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ES: Parent-Teacher-Conferences (3-6) *Updated*

Dear Parents of Grades 3-6,  Please read the information below and respond to the invitation for the Parent-Teacher-Conferences on October 26 and November 3.  ******************* Liebe Eltern der Klassen 3-6, Bitte lesen Sie die Informationen in den untenstehenden Links und

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HS: Positive Cases

All students who showed a positive rapid test on Wednesday tested negative on the PCR test.  Therefore, we can relax a little for the time being. Please all remain careful and continue to observe all hygiene regulations. HS Administration ******

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HS: Ski Trip 2022 (8 + 9)

Dear Parents, All the information regarding next year’s ski trip for grades 8 and 9 has been uploaded to the website. See link below. The details for the upcoming parent evening are still being finalized and will be published soon. 

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HS: WebUntis Login

Dear Parents, For instruction on how to first log on to the WebUntis website, click on the link below.  ************** Liebe Eltern der Oberschule,  die Beschreibung für das erste Anmelden auf der WebUntis Webseite finden Sie unter folgendem Link. LINK:

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Dear parents Please read the letter from the Administration.   Stay healthy!   ********************************** Liebe Eltern   bitte lesen Sie den Brief von der Schulleitung. Bleiben Sie gesund! Link: Message from the Administration / Mitteilung der Schulleitung

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