Blog Archives

Parent-Teacher-Conferences (EC-2) in January

Dear Parents,  Please read this letter from the ES administration regarding the upcoming Parent-Teacher-Conferences for grades EC-2 in January. **************************************** Liebe Eltern,  bitte lesen Sie diesen Brief der Grundschulleitung in Bezug auf die Eltern-Lehrer-Sprechtage  für die Klassen EK-2 im Januar.

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Congratulations, ES Tennis Team!

Congratulations to the Tennis Team of the Elementary School who won 2nd place in Berlin. Herzlichen Glückwunsch an unser Tennis-Team der Grundschule, sie konnten den 2. Platz in Berlin erspielen! 

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Bundesweiter Warntag – Nationwide Alert Day (08.12.)

Der nächste bundesweite Warntag findet am 8. Dezember 2022 statt. An diesem Aktionstag erproben Bund und Länder sowie die teilnehmenden Kreise, kreisfreien Städte und Gemeinden in einer gemeinsamen Übung ihre Warnmittel. Ab 11:00 Uhr aktivieren die beteiligten Behörden und Einsatzkräfte unterschiedliche Warnmittel wie z. B.

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REPOST: Information from the Police (26.11.)

Dear Parents, This is just a reminder regarding the post from November 26. There have been no further developments but we would ask you to speak to your children if you have not already done so. For more information see

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Congratulations, 5/6 Basketball Team!

Congratulations to our Grade 5/6 basketball team for earning first place in our first basketball tournament of the season. Great game Hanna, Terry, Mila, Ali, Theo, Rufus, Bennett and Noah. Go Rams!

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ES Food Drive Follow Up & Help Wanted

Thank you for all of your support!    The ES collected a vast amount of non-perishable food items and had fun competing for most creative words created with the donations.    6th grade created the words with the most ‘z’

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Lese-Adventskalendar & Buchtipp von Emmeline!

Wir laden Euch ein, täglich ein Türchen im Lese-Adventskalendar ein Türchen aufzumachen. In diesem Adventskalender finden Grundschüler, Lehrer, Erzieher und Eltern jeden Tag einen Buchtipp von SchülerInnen oder SchulbibliothekarInnen.   Auf gibt es die täglichen Lesetipps unter dem Menüpunkt

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The December School Bulletin has been sent out to all parents via email to the addresses we have on file. If you have not received the message and attachment and would like to be added to the mailing list, please

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Livestream: Domkonzert on Nov. 30

The John F. Kennedy School, along with the American Church in Berlin and the Berliner Dom (Berlin Cathedral) will present a service of Advent and Christmas music at the Dom on Wednesday, November 30, 2022 at 19.00 (Berlin time).   Featured

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Congratulations, Bear-a-cudas!

Congratulations to the JFKS Swim Club, the Bear-a-cudas, for their outstanding performance in last weekend’s EFSL Long Distance Championship meet in Lignano, Italy! While most of us were recovering from Thanksgiving dinner, our swimmers were in the pool with 17

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