Blog Archives

Update: ES Candy Gram Fundraiser for Earthquake Relief

Our ES Student Council raised €514 in candy gram sales! We sold out and could have raised much more…   This amount was matched by an ES staff member – and then  DOUBLED by a HS teacher! All together, the

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Message from the Verein

Click on the letter to enlarge it. To access the Tuurio Verein page, click here. The registration page is available in both German and English.

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HS: Grades 7-10 – Test Schedule 2. Semester

Please click below to view the test schedules for the second semester.  Please note these documents will not include any future edits. Changes will be made in WebUntis only. ******* Hier finden Sie die Pläne für die Klassenarbeiten im zweiten

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Registration for Grade 7 and 8

The information that was shared at the info evening about transitions from Grade 6 to 7 and Grade 7 to 8, including the link to the registration form, can be found on the transition page of our website. Please note

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Black History Month – Week 2

Dear JFKS,  Here are your suggested daily actions for Black History Month. As we are a German-American school, this week features German Black history, leaders, and organizations.  One month will never be enough to learn about history, let alone learn

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Black History Month – Week 1

Today is the second week of February and these are your suggested daily actions for Black History Month. As we are a German-American school, this week features German Black history, leaders, and organizations.  One month will never be enough to

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ES Student Council: Candy Gram Fundraiser for Earthquake Relief

Valentine’s Day and Candy Grams have arrived!   Student Council will be selling Candy Grams during the ES lunch this week through Monday, February 13. They are 1 € and include and personalized note & candy.   Students can purchase

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The February School Bulletin has been sent out to all parents via email to the addresses we have on file. If you have not received the message and attachment and would like to be added to the mailing list, please

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Congrats, Bear-a-cudas!

This weekend, while a lot of families were traveling to the ski slopes or sunny beaches for Winterferien, 8 swimmers from JFKS’ Bear-a-cudas swam in the Rhineland Divisional Championships meet in Frankfurt. Despite being one of the smallest teams there,

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Haywire: Issue 18 Fall 2022

Dear JFKS Community, Haywire 18 is complete and ready for your viewing! Thanks to all the contributors for sharing their art!   Save the date: Join us for an evening of poetry and music on the Haus Reil Deck at

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