Thursday, 18.June, 2015, 19:00JFKS Large Aula Parents of 4th Graders – Mark your calendars for this very important event.5th Graders at the John F. Kennedy School have a number of choices in music and elective courses. Parents and students are sometimes …
Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”Performed by JFKS class 4b When: Wednesday, June 17th, 13:00Thursday, June 18th, 18:00 (followed by Music orientation evening at 19:00 in the large Aula) Where: Small Aula The students have been rehearsing for months under the direction of …
The annual JFKS Children Flea Market will take place on May 31st. Register by mail to:
From May 31 to June 10, 2015, 29 students and three teachers from Fort Collins will visit Berlin and JFKS. They’re returning the visit of JFKS 5th and 6th graders who spent ten days with them in Fort Collins earlier …
Mikrochipentwicklung für sicheres RadfahrenMax Hentges qualifiziert sich für die Praxisphase von „INVENT a CHIP“ Das sichere und intelligente Fahrrad soll bald Wirklichkeit werden. Max Hentges (14) möchte mit seiner Mikrochipentwicklung die tägliche Fahrt mit dem Rad zur Schule sicherer und …
The JFKS Rams fifth and sixth grade team powered to third place in the fist league finals of the Berlin elementary schools basketball competition. On Saturday May 9, the Rams won three of four games at group level to move …
On Thursday, May 7, JFKS held a reception for the French exchange students from the Lycee Saint-Charles. There was a delicious buffet provieded by the parents of classes 9a and 9 b, a wonderful performance of the chanson “Vous etes formidable” …
Unser Badmintonteam WK II vertrat als Landessieger nicht nur die JFKS, sondern auch das Land Berlin bei den Deutschen Meisterschaften! Hier trafen wir auf die besten Teams der anderen Bundesländer und spielten gegen Bundesligaspieler, Deutsche Meister und Europameister! Wir sind …
The Kennedy School recently acquired a new grand piano (Flügel) for the main floor of the large Aula. The maker of the instrument is Bösendorfer, one of the best and most respected manufacturers of pianos in the world. It was …
Please visit the JFK School Shop on Wednesdays 12.15-15.30h and check out the new bags and other new merchandise!