High School: Early Dismissal (13.03.) and Ski Trip Update #3

Dear Parents,
We are closing the high school early today due to low attendance of teachers and students. Students will be allowed to leave at 12:15 today. 
In addition, the Tirol area is closing all ski areas as well as all hostels as of Sunday afternoon. We have been in contact with Hr. Müller and receive regular updates. The students are having fun and there are no cases of coronavirus. 

Hr. Müller contacted the bus company to arrange the early trip back to Berlin.
We are awaiting the final decision of whether they will return on Sunday or Monday. This will depend how fast the bus company can organize the trip back, keeping in mind the drivers have required rest breaks to ensure safety. 

Please remain calm and we will inform you when we know more. 
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Steffen Schulz and Brian L. Salzer
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