Blog Archives


The October School Bulletin has been sent out to all parents via email to the addresses we have on file. If you have not received the message and attachment and would like to be added to the mailing list, please

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NHS Benefit Concert – 11.10.

We invite you to join us for the JFKS NHS Benefit Concert on Wednesday, October 11 at 18:30 in the Small Aula!   Child care for children aged 2-10 is available for a €10 donation per child.    Enjoy the

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FUN DAY – Thank you!

On September 23, 2023, after a 5-year hiatus, we were delighted to welcome the JFKS community back to our campus for FUN DAY. Classes, departments, activities, and clubs provided food, drinks, games and more! All proceeds went to the booth

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HS: Klausur Schedules for Grades 11-12

Please note: These dates are subject to change! The official and most up-to-date schedule will be available on the student’s WebUntis account. The PDF files below will not be updated. Bitte beachten: Diese Termine können immer noch verändert werden. Die aktuellsten Daten

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IN MEMORIAM: Jenny Hoenicke

We learned about the recent passing of our colleague Jenny Hoenicke. Jenny Hoenicke worked at JFKS for 24 years. She served in many roles: homeroom teacher, German subject teacher, Elementary Assistant Principal, and acting Elementary Principal. We are deeply saddened

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HS: Test Schedules for Grades 7-10

Please note: These dates are subject to change! The official and most up-to-date schedule will be available on the student’s WebUntis account. The PDF files below will not be updated. Bitte beachten: Diese Termine können immer noch verändert werden. Die

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The September School Bulletin has been sent out to all parents via email to the addresses we have on file. If you have not received the message and attachment and would like to be added to the mailing list, please

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HS: Lunch Catering Update

** English version below** Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, die Graefewirtschaft GmbH führt ab dem Schuljahr 2023/2024 auch ab Klasse 7 eine einheitliche benutzerfreundliche Bestell- und Abrechnungssoftware für die Mittagsverpflegung in der John-F.-Kennedy-Schule ein. Die webbasierte Anwendung ermöglicht das Essen bequem

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HS: Einladung Elternabend / Invitation Parent Evening

*English below* Liebe Eltern,    unten finden Sie den Einladungs-Link für die Elternabende der Oberschule.  Mit freundlichen Grüßen JFKS Grundschulleitung   *******************************   Dear Parents,    Below you can find the invitation link for the upcoming parents evenings for the

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ES: Lunch Catering Update

*English below* Die Programmierung und Datenimport für die Klassen 0-6 für das Webportal/App des Caterers Graefewirtschaft ist erfolgt. Letzte Woche wurden Briefe von der Graefewirtschaft für alle Grundschüler nach Hause geschickt, mit Hinweisen zur Anmeldung Ihres Kindes zum Mittagessen. Obwohl

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