We learnt from alumna Petra Rose about the recent passing of her lovely mother Enid Kretschmer who taught at JFKS from 1966 until 1980.
Before starting to teach at our school, Mrs. Kretschmer enrolled her second eldest daughter in the first pre-school class in 1960, thus being well acquainted with the very beginnings of JFKS.
For the JFKS 50th Anniversary brochure she wrote: “The parents of those children had all experienced the Second World War in some form and all were keen to encourage anything that promoted peace and international understanding. We spent hours helping to assemble equipment and discussing what we expected from the school and how it was to function. After one year, most people were confident that this was a worthwhile project.”
She could not know at that point in time that “this worthwhile project” would become a continuous part of her life: for not only her own children attended JFKS but also her grandchildren and great-grandchildren to whom we all would like to express our sincere condolences.
Members of the Board – JFKS Berlin Alumni e.V.