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**Deutsche Übersetzung unten** Dear Parents, Due to several unions calling on their members to strike, the BVG transportation will be severely impacted on Monday morning, February 26 until 14:00. This will affect busses (including those coming from Brandenburg), trams and

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HS: Concert Invitation (25.02.)

If you are looking for a lovely way to spend a Sunday afternoon, we invite you to join us this Sunday, 25 February 2024 for a performance by the JFKS High School Orchestra, High School Concert Choir, and Parent Faculty

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BERMUN Ceremonies – Livestream (22.+24.02.)

BERMUN2 will take place on February 22-24 at the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung. Seven committees will debate various topics addressing the conference theme “Rising Nationalism: Fortifying International Institutions”. We are expecting over 250 participants including 81 students from JFKS in grades 7-12. We

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ES: Donations for the “Potsdamer Tafel” (20.-28.02.)

Spenden für die „Potsdamer Tafel“  Liebe JFKS-Familien, nach der sehr erfolgreichen Hilfsaktion im letzten Jahr sammelt der Fachbereich Humanistische Lebenskunde wieder (Lebensmittel-)Spenden für die „Potsdamer Tafel“ (Ausgabestelle Teltow). Seit vielen Jahren ist es Tradition an der JFKS, für Bedürftige Sachspenden

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***** Deutsche Version unten ***** Dear Parents of grades 3-6, We will hold parent-teacher conferences for grades 3-6 on Thursday, February 29, 2024. All parents are welcome, however, we ask that conference times be reserved for students who are struggling

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Please note: These schedules are updates as of February 14, 2024. The dates are subject to change! The official and most up-to-date schedule will be available on the student’s WebUntis account. The PDF files below will not be updated. Bitte

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HS: AMIS Honor Orchestra Festival

The students who participated in the AMIS Honor Orchestra Festival at the American School in London just before vacation had a wonderful trip!   See photos below for some of our fun, which included seeing Hamilton and Wicked, posing on

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Congrats, Bear-a-cudas Swim Team!

Congratulations to the JFKS Swim Club, the Bear-a-cudas, for their outstanding performance in this past weekend’s EFSL Short Distance Championship meet in Eindhoven, The Netherlands!  Swimmers had to qualify for the meet and competed with 17 other teams from across Europe on February 10-11.

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Click on the following buttons to view the invitation letter and tutorial for appointments.  Das Einladungsschreiben und die Anleitung zur Terminvereinbarung finden Sie unter folgenden Links.

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The February School Bulletin has been sent out to all parents via email to the addresses we have on file. If you have not received the message and attachment and would like to be added to the mailing list, please

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