Blog Archives

Becoming Black: Film Event -Discussion & Q&A on 19.03.

Friday, March 19th, 2021, 19:00 – 21:00 Film Event: Zoom Discussion & Q&A with Ines Johnson-Spain on her film Becoming Black, hosted by the JFKS Equity Steering Committee. The JFKS Equity Steering Committee presents Becoming Black as the next film

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Friday Update (05.03.)

OS – Bericht der Schulleitung Wie wir gestern in unserem Brief an die Eltern mitgeteilt haben, freuen wir uns, die Schüler der 11d und 12d am Dienstag, den 9. März wieder begrüßen zu dürfen. In der Woche vom 9.-12. März,

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HS: New Updates of Schedules (04.03.)

Dear Parents, Please read today’s letter from the administration (link here). Best regards, JFKS Administration   Liebe Eltern,  bitte lesen Sie den heutigen Brief von der Schulleitung (Link hier). Mit freundlichen Grüßen JFKS Schulleitung

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ES: Hybrid School Learning Plan for 09.03.-26.03.

Dear Parents,  All ES parents have received a document outlining the plan for the Elementary School for the next three weeks (March 9-26).    Entrance Class, Grades 4-6: We look forward to our students returning to campus on Tuesday, March 9.

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School Bulletin for March 2021

The March School Bulletin has been sent out to all parents via email to the addresses we have on file. If you have not received the message and attachment and would like to be added to the mailing list, please

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Friday Update (26.02.)

Grundschulleitung Update Wir heißen die 1.-3. Klassen willkommen zurück auf dem Campus uns freuen uns, dass ihr zum persönlichen Lernen zurückkehrt. Vielen Dank an die Eltern, die ihre Kinder in die Schule schicken und auf den neuen Zeitplan vorbereitet haben.

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ES: Positive Case in Emergency Care (24.02.)

The Elementary School unfortunately had a confirmed positive COVID case yesterday evening. Communication was sent out yesterday evening to Notbetreuung/Emergency Care families and staff members who were in contact with this student from the Entrance Class. So far there are

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ES ONLY: Teacher Workshop Day Canceled

Hello Elementary School Families,  The Elementary school will be cancelling the teacher Workshop day scheduled for Thursday, February 25.  With grades 1-3 returning to campus we would like to provide our students with a consistent schedule for the next two

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Friday Update (19.02.)

Grundschule Update: Bitte lesen Sie den überarbeiteten Hybrid School Learning Plan (Stand: 19.02.2021) (Link hier) mit weiteren Informationen für die nächste Woche. Elementary School Update: Please read the updated Hybrid School Learning Plan (Revision Date: 19.02.2021) (link here) with further

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HS: Updated Class Schedules (18.02.)

Click here for the letter from the administration regarding the reopening of the high school.  Hier finden Sie den Brief der Schulleitung mit weiteren Informationen zur Wiedereröffnung der Oberschule.

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