Online sign-up for the HS Parent Teacher Conferences on November 7 and 13, 2017 will start on October 20: Sign-up for Tuesday, November 7: from October 20 (6am) until November 6 (12pm) Sign-up for Monday, November 13: from October 20 (6am) …
It’s this time of year again!! The JFKS Drama Department presents this year’s musical – November 9 / 10 / 11 at 7pm and November 12 at 2pm in the Large Aula For Tickets click here!
Please note the dates for the first parent evenings of school year 2017-18 – there have been a few changes, please double-check. This is the final version! Entrance Class Parent Information Evening Thursday, 24 Aug., 19:00 Large Aula Parent Evenings …
The JFKS community welcomes the new members of the school administration: Magdalena Ohlendorf, Acting German ES Principal and David Krupski, Assistant American HS Principal Steffen Schulz, JFKS HS teacher and Oberstufenkoordinator has taken over as Acting German HS Principal American …
Grades 1-6 start school on Monday, 21 August at 8:05 h. Grades 2, 4 and 6 have the same classrooms as last year and can go there directly. Grade 1: Teachers will meet the students inside the main gate and …
Grades 7-10 Grade 7 should report to the LARGE AULA at 8 A.M. (per 1) Grade 8 should report to the SMALL AULA at 8:52 (per 2) Grade 9 should report to the LARGE AULA at 8:52 (per 2) Grade …
Orientation Day on Friday, August 18 1. Orientation program for all new JFKS students in grades 1-12 and their parents starting at 13.30h in the Large Aula with general information for new parents. Afterwards new elementary school students and their parents will have …
JFKS Gymnasts win 8th Place at the Bundesfinale JTFO – Gerätturnen 2017 The JFKS Boy Gymnastics Team represented Berlin at the Bundesfinale on May 4, 2017 after winning the 2017 Berlin finals of “Jugend Trainiert für Olympia – Gerätturnen 2017 …
Berlin Finals on June 14, 2017 Our 3rd grade swim team won 3rd place at the Berlin Finals! Congratulations! Our 3rd grade swim team won 1.Place out of 17 elementary schools in Steglitz/Zehlendorf! Now we are going to represent JFKS …