Blog Archives

HS: Welcome Back SY 2021-22

Dear Parents, Please read this letter from the JFKS High School Administration regarding the beginning of the new school year starting on Monday 16 August 2021.        ********************************   Liebe Eltern,   bitte lesen Sie dieses Schreiben der

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2020-21 Concert Choir: You Will Be Found

Enjoy the 2020/21 Concert Choir performing “You Will Be Found” by Evan Hansen. Dedicated to anyone who ever felt alone during the pandemic.

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Congratulations, Class of 2021!

We would like to congratulate our recent graduates! 84 students finished JFKS with the Abitur – the average Abitur-grade was 1,90 which is a fantastic accomplishment! And 35 students received the High School Diploma!      Many thanks to the

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2021 Graduate Ensemble: And Make It So

Enjoy this rendition of “And Make It So” by Douglas Wagner as performed by the Graduate Ensemble for the JFKS High School Graduation of the Class of 2021.  Congratulations to all of our Seniors!

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Friday Update (25.06.)

GS Update Vielen Dank an die Familien der Grundschule für alles, was Sie für unsere Kinder in diesem Schuljahr getan haben. Wir sind sehr dankbar für die Unterstützung und Partnerschaft der JFK-Community. Auch unsere fleißigen Lehrer_innen verdienen ein großes Lob dafür,

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Schule ohne Rassismus – Schule mit Courage

Wir haben uns wahnsinnig gefreut, dass die Schüler*innen und Beschäftigten der JFKS sich per Votum entschieden haben, dass sich die Schule dem Netzwerk Schule ohne Rassismus – Schule mit Courage anschließen wird! ( Heute möchte sich unsere wundervolle Patin/ Mentorin,

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ES: Positive Covid-19 Case

The Elementary School had a confirmed positive COVID case in grade 5 today. Communication was sent out today to families and staff members who were in contact with this student.  LINK: Letter to Parents (21.06.2021) Please stay safe, wear your

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Early Release due to HEAT – (21.06.)

**Deutsche Version unten** Dear Parents,  Due to the hot weather today, all classes and after-school activities are canceled today (except grades 11-12).  Please refer to the policy on early release due to hot weather on our website for more details.

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HS: Library Schedule for Summer Checkout

The HS Library will be open this week for study and summer checkout. Details and a schedule have been shared with students. All returning students who have returned their library books and replaced or paid for missing or damaged books may check

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Friday Update (18.06.)

ES Update Liebe JFKS Familien,Während die letzten Schultage bevorstehen, freuen wir uns unsere Schüler*innen  und all ihre harte Arbeit in diesem Schuljahr zu feiern.Vielen Dank, liebe Eltern, für Ihre anhaltende Unterstützung. Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam die letzten Tage dieses ereignisreichen Schuljahres

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