Our 3rd grade swim team did a fantastic job today at the Berlin Swim Finale. They competed against the 26 best schools of all Berlin districts and came in 2nd place!! Well done, team! And a big thank you to …
Heute ist das Schwimmteam der 3. Klassen gegen andere Schulen im Bezirk Steglitz-Zehlendorf geschwommen und hat den 1. Platz belegt! Dadurch werden unsere Schüler unseren Bezirk beim Berlin-Finale am 6.6. in der Schwimmhalle am Sachsendamm in Schöneberg vertreten. Congratulations!
The JFK Wk IV mixed basketball team, made up of fourth, fifth and sixth grade boys and girls, won the ALBA-Grundschulliga Mixed-Masters division. They won all four of their games on Sunday, 11.05.2019, to become Berliner Meister. Congratulations to all …
We are excited that the tradition will continue! Thank you for all the volunteers organizing this year’s children’s flea market on May 26. Doors will be open from 10:00 to 14:00 and the flea market will take place in any …
The Elementary School is celebrating Earth Week with the following themes during the week after our break! Thank you to the Roots & Shoots Elective for creating the posters and raising awareness!