German-American Children’s Flea Market at JFKS
on Sunday, June 1, 2014, 10 am-2 pm
The JFKS Parent Council organizes our yearly Children’s Flea Market (clothes, toys, books, baby supplies etc.).
The fee per table is 10€ plus a homemade cake. You have to bring your own table!!!
Set-up starts at 8.30 am, clean-up by 3 pm.
Cake, grilled goods and beverages will be available for purchase. The proceeds of the cake and beverages sale as well as the stand fees go to Parent Council projects. The grill is a fundraiser for the JFKS Odyssey of the Mind program.
The Flea Market will take place outside in any kind of weather!
Registration: Please register with Marion Patt by phone 033203-887288 or by e-mail .
Please feel free to pass on this information to friends, neighbours etc.!