Courage Week: All-Community Event (28.01.)
Tuesday, 28 January, Large Aula
6:00 – 6:45 pm: Mini-concert with Faye Montana and FIA Marie Lin
Faye Montana is a former JFKS student, movie actress, and successful singer-songwriter dedicated to justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion. FIA Marie Lin is a 13-year-old who first rose to fame in Junior Eurovision and The Voice. She champions inclusion through her unique blend of signing while singing. They will both be accompanied by JFKS parent Adam Kesselhaut.
7:00 – 8:30 pm: Songs of Slavery & Emancipation
Musician and author Mat Callahan presents on newly discovered slave songs revolving around uprising and emancipation. See here for the film trailer. He is a regular guest lecturer at Boston University and the University of Bern, Switzerland, amongst others. Recommended for mature audiences; ie. 9-12th grade and parents. If anyone is interested in an impromptu post-event conversation, stick around at the end and we can migrate to a nearby restaurant!
Light refreshments will be available – and be sure to check out the Courage Week relevant kids’ books on sale from this publisher as well!
Many thanks to our Hausmeister, the teachers, tech crew and staff for the extra effort they are putting forth. A special thank you to the Verein and Schule ohne Rassismus – Schule mit Courage for their generous financial support of the week’s program!
Courage Week is brought to you by the J.E.D.I. Committee (Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion). Please email with any questions.