
CONGRATS: OM German Finals

Congratulations to all the JFKS Odyssey of the Mind teams for their wonderful performances at the German Finals on Saturday, March 22, 2025.

All primary teams in Entrance Class to second grade received trophies and grades 3, 4, 5, and 6 all placed in first or second places!

The JFKS hosted 33 teams from all over Germany and as far as the Netherlands, France, and Romania! Nearly 400 people attended the OM German Finals on  March 22nd.

 The JFKS teams include:

Grade EC Shapes and Sizes

Grade 1 Die Wunder Gurken

Grade 1 The Magic Time Travelers

Grade 2 The Dolphins 

Grade 2 The 7 World Wonders

Grade 3 The Secret Candies

Grade 4 Flickering Lightbulbs

Grade 5 Lights, Cameras, Nerds!

Grade 6 The 60 Trainers

For more information about the JFKS OM Program, please contact the JFKS OM Coordinator, Vanessa Hansen: .

All photos courtesy of OM, Ms. Hansen and Parents
