Blog Archives

ES: Einladung Elternabend / Invitation Parent Evening

*English below* Liebe Eltern,    unten finden Sie den Einladungs-Link für die Elternabende der Grundschule.  Mit freundlichen Grüßen JFKS Grundschulleitung   *******************************   Dear Parents,    Below you can find the invitation link for the upcoming parents evenings for the

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25.08. Note from the ES Administration – NO EARLY RELEASE

*German translation below*   Dear JFK Elementary Parents, In order to preserve class time for your students, and to limit the disruption caused to families needing to pick up children early, we implemented a plan to move students and teachers

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TODAY (25.08.): HS ONLY – Early Dismissal due to Heat

**Deutsche Übersetzung unten** Dear Parents,  Please note: Early release on 25/08 for HS only!  ES classes will end today as normal. ES Parents will be notified separately. Due to the hot weather today, all classes and after-school activities are canceled today (except

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TODAY (24.08.): ES+HS Early Dismissal due to Heat

*German translation below* Many of our classrooms have exceeded 27°C at 10:30am. We are anticipating much higher temperatures this afternoon.  According to our policy we must therefore dimiss our students early. Please see message below.  __________________________ Dear Parents,  Due to

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TODAY (22.08.): ES+HS Early Dismissal Due To Heat

Dear Parents,  Due to the hot weather today, all classes and after-school activities are canceled today (except grades 11-12).  Please refer to the policy on early release due to hot weather on our website for more details. Grades EC-2: release at 13:20 as usual (Hort,

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REMINDER: Early Dismissal Procedure due to Heat

*** Deutsche Version weiter unten *** Dear Parents, Welcome back to the school year 2023/2024.  The first day was a success! We hope that your children enjoyed the start of the new school year.   Due to the warm temperatures, and

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Change to ES Parent Evenings

Due to scheduling conflicts, we need to change the dates for some of the upcoming ES Parent Evenings. Please mark your calendars accordingly. Letters with more information will be sent home soon. Aufgrund von Terminkonflikten müssen wir die Termine für

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ES: Welcome back!

Dear Students and Parents,  Please read the following letter from the ES principals. The letter includes the map of the meeting points and a few reminders for the beginning of this next school year!  We look forward to seeing everyone

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The August School Bulletin has been sent out to all parents via email to the addresses we have on file. If you have not received the message and attachment and would like to be added to the mailing list, please

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School Supplies 2023/24

**English below** Eingangsklasse und Klassen 1-6: Die Listen mit den benötigten Schulsachen finden Sie auf der JFKS-Website unter Liste Schulmaterialien.  Klassen 7-12: Alle Schüler:innen sollten am ersten Schultag Papier und Federtasche mitbringen und werden von ihren Lehrer:innen über alle erforderlichen

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