JFKS Elementary Students compete at the “Turnwettkämpfe der Berliner Schulen 2017 7 -8 March 2017 — Congratulations to the 25 JFKS Gymnasts from elementary school. At the competition“Turnwettkämpfe der Berliner Schulen 2017” the five teams finished: – 8th and 9th place (grades …
Sign up now for new Parenting Workshops at JFKS One Day Workshop Saturday – 9am – 4.45pm May 6th or June 10th Seven Week Workshop Course Thursday Mornings: 8:15am -10:15am May 11th – June 29th More info at http://parentingtools.de/workshops/ or read the flyer – May-June PT …
Nach sehr aufregenden und knappen Finalspielen gegen das Martin-Buber- und das Barnim-Gymnasium, haben wir endlich die Berliner Meisterschaften 2017 gewonnen!
JFK on three – one, two three! Another tournament meant another great run for the JFKS girls’ basketball team on March 1st in Charlottenburg. Despite this being the first season of playing together, the ladies showed fantastic team dynamics and …
Another great JFKS musical is coming up: 5/6 Grade Musical “Superstan” with a pre-show by the 8th Grade Small Ensemble:
Berlin Basketball Finals „Jugend trainiert für Olympia“ Girls WK III A big thank you goes out to the talented ladies of JFKS basketball who did a fantastic job representing our school last week at the Berlin Championships. They earned a well-deserved silver medal, making …
After very exciting and tight final matches against Martin Buber- and Barnim Gymnasium, we finally won the Berlin Championships 2017!