Liebe JFKS Eltern, Schüler, Lehrer und Schulleiter, wie viele von Ihnen/Euch wissen, steht unser “Garden Day” vor der Tür! Am Freitag den 20. April starten wir gemeinsam mit hoffentlich vielen von Euch um 14 Uhr. Wir brauchen jede helfende Hand! Auch Kinder und Verwandte …
16.3.2018, 14:30h The buses are 280km away, estimated arrival time: 17:30-18:00h. 15.3.2018 The ski trip is nearing its conclusion, but not before some major excitement to wrap up the two-week experience. Last night witnessed the crowning of Mr. and …
First semester report cards for grades 2 to 10 will be distributed on Friday, February 2nd. Please check that your child brings one home on that day. Note: Students in grades EC and 1 will only receive a report card …
The bear was donated to Berlin by Eunice Kennedy-Shriver (JFK’s sister). It was on display outside the Mercedes Benz Center and has now been gifted to us. The colorful bear statue is 3m x 3m and will greet students and …
Stanford testing in January for grades 5 and 8 Testing for the 5th grade will take place over several days between January 18-24. The 8th grade testing will take place in the Aula on January 30 and 31 from 8:00-11:30. …
This is a wonderful opportunity for our students and we are excited to see that a number of them are already participating! We would like to encourage you to drop off your children at the designated starting points on Wednesdays, …