Congratulations to Matilda Ontrop from 6th grade who won the Berlin-wide reading competition and will represent Berlin and the John F. Kennedy School at the German Finals! Click here for the Tagesspiegel report: Tagesspiegel Reading Competition
On 25.4.16 the JFKS Traffic Committee and the school principals had a very productive meeting with representatives of the City Traffic Control Office, Verkehrslenkung and Ordnungsamt, the Police, and the BVG to assess the traffic situation in front of our …
Henri Ariane Rebecca S.Kaiser Serafina Oskar Caelin Rosalia Laszlo Unsere Berliner Meister im Badminton WKIII, die das Land Berlin im Bundesfinale “Jugend trainiert für Olympia” 2016 vertreten haben. Wir sind sehr stolz darauf, als einzige Schule ganz ohne Vereins- oder …
Some of our students (together with Dr. Curtis) had a great experience with the AMIS (Association of Music in International Schools) Honor Choir in Luxembourg in early March. Abigail D., Madeleine K., Isaac D., Maya L., Antonia B., Emily H., …
Here are the results from the Berlin Finals which took place on Saturday, April 16 at the Olympic Horse Riding Stadium and Maifeld. Congratulations and thank you to all participants for an excellent job!
We are very proud to announce that the best reader out of the whole district of Steglitz-Zehlendorf is a 6th grader from our school: Matilda Ontrop from class 6B won the district`s finals yesterday at the “Vorlesewettbewerb” against 11 other …
JFKS students Max Hentges and Leopold Aschenbrenner won the Berlin-wide “Jugend forscht” competition with the best interdisciplinary project. They developped a system for the surveillance, warning and prediction of fine dust in Berlin. It measures the exposure in real-time through …
During first and second hour the high school students worked on the challenges of the Känguru Math Competition; during 5th and 6th hour the elementary school students followed. The problems were in English and German. 5th and 6th graders working …
As our trip nears its end, we look back to the great memories we have shared over the past two weeks. After some great skiing over the weekend, the students enjoyed another ski free day on Monday during which they …
25-26 Feb 2016 — Congratulations to the JFKS Gymnastics teams. At the competition “ Turnwettkämpfe der Berliner Grundschulen 2016” they placed: 1st place (grades 4-6) — Ella D., Finley R., Cristina S., and Konstantin T. (Jonah R. was sick) 9th …