Dear Parents, Please find attached the invitation to the upcoming parent-teacher conference in November, as well as the instructions for signing up via WebUntis. Please make sure your log in data for WebUntis works, otherwise please email us at Best regards, …
The John F. Kennedy School Parent/Faculty Choir will celebrate 50 years of existence with a gala concert on October 17 at 19:00 in the Large Aula of the school. Featured will be favorite numbers from past decades and messages from …
The latest School Bulletin has been sent out to all parents via email to the addresses we have on file. If you have not received the message and attachment and would like to be added to the mailing list, please …
Berlin Model United Nations (BERMUN) is a large conference taking place at our school in November with over 800 participants. Every year, hundreds of students come from all over the world, and our school community offers some of them the …
Please join us on October 9 at 18:00 to 20:00 for an evening with our Support Team. Teachers from English and German support classes will be available to introduce themselves, share their avenues for support, and answer your questions. Whether …
Just a friendly reminder that our school will be closed on Thursday, October 03 and Friday, October 04.
Wednesday, October 2nd at 7 pm in the JFKS Large Aula Would you like to know more about this exciting program? Learn about the new 2024-2025 OM long-term problems. Or do you have questions? This is the event for you. …