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Current status at 14:52 ALL GRADE LEVELS EK-6 All students are in their HOMEROOMS and will not be dismissed without a parent picking them up personally. Please sign out your child in the homeroom. Hort children will be in the

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Current status at 14:20 ALL GRADE LEVELS EK-6 All students are in their HOMEROOMS and will not be dismissed without a parent picking them up personally. Please sign out your child in the homeroom. Hort children will be in the

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Current status at 13:57 Students will stay in class until their regular school day ends.  Grades 3 and 4 Students are in their HOMEROOMS and will not be dismissed without a parent picking them up personally. Please sign out your

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13:30 UPDATE: Dismissal Procedure / Schulschluß

Current status at 13:30 Students will stay at school until their regular school day ends. We hope to receive an update from the fire department before 1400.  EC – Grade 1 – Grade 2 Students are in the Aula and

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WARNING RECEIVED – Warnung erhalten

Liebe Eltern,  die Schule hat die Warnung der Berliner Feuerwehr erhalten. Wir haben alle angewiesen, die Fenster zu schließen und nicht nach draußen zu gehen.  Momentan ändert sich weiter nichts am Schultag und am Schulschluss.  Sobald wir weitere Informationen haben,

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NEW: Buddy Bucketlist (Grade 7)

Click on the image below for more information about this new high school program for students in grade 7 beginning next school year.  Contact Fr. Diemer with any questions (see booklet for details).     

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Visitors from Östra Reals Gymnasium

30 students from Östra Reals Gymnasium in Stockholm, Sweden visited JFKS last week. The students and their teachers were welcomed by the HS administration and representatives of the HS Student Council. They toured our campus, observed US History, English and

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INVITATION: „THE VISIT – Der Besuch der alten Dame“ (02.-04.05.)

An unspoken crime. An immoral offer. A fateful visit. The Kennedy School Players present „THE VISIT – Der Besuch der alten Dame“ by Friedrich Dürrenmatt on Thursday 02.05, Friday 03.05 and Saturday 04.05. at 19:00 in the Small Aula. –

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INVITATION: AMIS Gala Concert (27.04.)

JFKS will be hosting the AMIS Middle School Honor Orchestra Festival from Thursday, 25 April to Saturday, 27 April. Over 80 students, teachers and chaperones from international schools across Europe and the Middle East will be rehearsing at JFK for

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REVIEW: Odyssey of the Mind – German Finals

JFKS not only hosted this year’s GERMAN FINAL for Odyssey of the Mind but 12 teams from our school – 11 from the ES and all new to the OM program – participated! There were teams from Germany, France and

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