Am 21.3 fand die geplante Stolpersteinverlegung in der Gelfertstr. 47a statt. Dank des grossen Einsatzes durch einen Bake Sale der 6. Klasse des jüdischen Religionsunterrichts konnten in der Gelfertstr. zwei von insgesamt drei Stolpersteinen gespendet und verlegt werden. Beginnend mit …
Congratulations to all the JFKS Odyssey of the Mind teams for their wonderful performances at the German Finals on Saturday, March 22, 2025. All primary teams in Entrance Class to second grade received trophies and grades 3, 4, 5, and …
All of JFKS is celebrating a “Cultural Festival of Diversity – 65 Years of JFKS!” as a benefit event for Life Bridge Ukraine! As part of the city partnership between Berlin and Kyiv, this Berlin-based NGO supports Ukrainian war victims …
Update at 14:50 The bus is on the way back to Berlin, currently between Hof and Leipzig. The estimated time of arrival at the school is 17:30. For safety reasons, please remember to obey traffic rules: Parking is not allowed …
Congratulations to the following students who recently participated in the AMIS European Honor Choir in Warsaw, with a gala concert on Saturday, March 15, 2025: Ben, Konstantin, Robert, Jacob, Lucas, Rowan, Dominik, Ray, Zoey, Ella, Maria-Phoenix and Ava. We are proud to …
JFKS is proud to host this year’s High School ISTA Festival from Thursday, March 27th to Sunday, March 30th. We are looking forward to welcoming students from Cuba, Turkey, the Czech Republic, Portugal and Munich. The festival begins on Thursday afternoon …
Click here for a detailed schedule and more information.
Due to unforeseen circumstances as well as a BVG strike, we are rescheduling the JFKS Parents Digital Well-being meeting to Wednesday, April 9th. The meeting will take place in room B116 at 18:00. The original date of the event was March …
The second round of skiing has officially begun with new groups, new teachers and continued improvement, often dramatic. (“I don’t know, something just clicked – and it was amazing!”) Repetition and snowballing confidence (terrible pun intended) can work wonders, not …