HS Library Reopening

The library is currently closed to create a schedule which keeps the grades apart. As soon as this is complete, the library will open. In the meantime, students may return books and reserve them online.
  • How to Return Books:
Please return books in the dropbox outside the library door, not inside the library, even when the library is open.
  • How to Reserve Books when you cannot come in the library:
On the JFKS library website, log into your account (firstlastname, all lower case no dots, hyphens, spaces etc. and your ID number as password), to put a hold on up to three titles you want.

You should see four tabs. Open the catalog tab.

Type your title or author in the catalog search box. Click on the title you want and click the “Hold It” tab in the right side of the Title Details page.

[However, PLEASE do not request a book if you can see it is not available!] 

Ms. Kessler and Ms. Scott-Kellermeier will check holds at the start and end of the day. We will get the books to you.
  • How to Renew Books:
E-mail Ms. Kessler from your school e-mail with the titles of the books you would like to renew.

Information about volunteering will come later.
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