2022 AIDS Charity Event
For the first time since 2019 (pre-COVID pandemic), the AIDS Charity/Flag Football Tournament was able to take place on Friday on the sport field. The weather was perfect and fun was had by all.
Thank you for your support of this event whether it be your supervision, buying a burger or refereeing the football games (big shout out to Mr. Beckley, Mr. Lee, Mr. Felt and Mr. Mandel for refereeing from 9:00-13:00).
The 10th graders, who organized the event, raised €1.111,43 during the event (the total comes from hamburger sales, baked goods sales, football team participation fees, wet sponge toss at teachers and raffling off of donated items). Roughly half of the proceeds will go to Berliner AIDS Hilfe and the other half to Omaruru Children’s Haven.
The well-organized 12th grade team, led by Ryan B. and Kellen S., won the football tournament in an exciting finale against an 11th grade team.
Thank you again for all of your support!