ES Canned Food Drive

From November 11 to 27 the Elementary School Student Council is organizing the annual Canned Food Drive. All Donations will go to the „Laib und Seele“ program of the American Church in Berlin. Thank you for your support!


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Rowing Regatta

Rowing Regatta November 1st, 2013

Our students won four races (coxed quadruple skull heats) and came in six times on the second place. The winners were:
Robert B., Lukas F., Tequica H., Lea H. (cox), Markus J., Melissa K., Jeremy M., Maja M. (cox), Maria S., Oskar K.,Karla A., Maxwell B., Nuri L., Philipp N., Tim W.

JFKS was second most successful school out of nine. Also many thanks to Ingo Sgustav for his help before and during the event.
A.Schulze (Rowing coach)






Veröffentlicht in Allgemein

Spooktacular 2013

The traditional JFKS Spooktacular was a great success! About 700 kids and their parents enjoyed Halloween fun, food and drinks. Over 2200 Euro were raised for the Parent Council. A big thank you to all volunteers and visitors!

Veröffentlicht in Allgemein