Raising Third Culture Kids: Tips, Suggestions and Resources

Tuesday 25th February, 2014, 19:00 – 21:00, Large Aula

  Guest Speaker: Michelle Mann

Raising Third Culture Kids: Tips, Suggestions, and Resources

Have your children grown up in more than one country or come from a cross-cultural background? This workshop explores how growing up globally has an impact on identity and how experiencing this global upbringing differs from living abroad as an adult. We will explore the numerous benefits and opportunities that result from this experience and address some challenges and how to deal with them.

By the end, it should be easier to help your children answer the question ’so where are you from?‘

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JFKS Table Tennis Team: first participation in „Jugend trainiert für Olympia“

On January 23 a JFKS team participated in the school competition „Jugend trainiert für Olympia“ in table tennis in Neukölln for the first time. The team played in the boys category III and competed against 16 other Berlin schools. In the end they made 12th place – still a success considering it was their first participation in this competition.

Our team, made up of fife students from grade 7, unfortunately couldn’t win any of the games during the preliminaries, so in the group phase we had to concede defeat to the teams of the Robert-Jungk-Schule (2:4), the Berlin Metropolitan School as well as the Romain-Rolland-Gymnasium (1:5).

Some of the games were very close. Even though the fun and gaining experiences were our focus, Caelin Josse and Tyrone Watson were able to celebrate their first individual successes. However, Leander Pieper, Enis Akkaya and Dylan von Felbert all didn’t disappoint but put up a good fight during their first participation.

The team was formed for the most part from the participants of the Table Tennis Activity started this school year, taking place on Tuesday, 9th/10th hour. This activity is lead by Mr. Kaufmann who is happy to welcome new table tennis loving Kennedy students any time.

(T. Kaufmann, Coach)

Jugend trainiert für Olympia 2014 - Table Tennis

Jugend trainiert für Olympia 2014 – Tischtennis

Jugend trainiert für Olympia 2014 - Table Tennis

Jugend trainiert für Olympia 2014 – Table Tennis

Jugend trainiert für Olympia 2014 - Table Tennis

Jugend trainiert für Olympia 2014 – Table Tennis

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7th & 8th Grade Musical „Ship of Dreams“, JANUARY 24&25

Our 7/8  Grade Choir will present the musical „Ship of Dreams“ on Friday and Saturday, 24 and 25 January, 2014 in the large  aula. 

Poster-7-8-Musical Jan 2014

Poster-7-8-Musical Jan 2014

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Venez à la Soirée Francaise

The French Open House will take place on Tuesday, February 18, from 18:00 to 20:00 in several classrooms of the second floor (German first floor) of the Blue High School Building.

There will be drama, film, music performances and exhibitions by students from grades 7 through 11 and a café with French food. The entrance is free. All students and parents interested in entertaining French language productions by JFK students are cordially invited to come!

Christian Neumann, French subject coordinator

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High School Parent Teacher Conferences, February 19, 2014

The following link may be used to sign up for parent conferences for the session on February 19 from 5 to 8:30 p.m.:

Click on their „watch our videos“ tab for instructions on how to sign up for conferences for one or multiple students.
Parents may begin signing up for conferences effective immediately.  

For teacher room assignments on February 19, click here.

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We are looking forward to your feed-back to the new website! Please write to: until January 31.

Thank you very much and enjoy browsing!

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The JFKS Shop has special Christmas items as of this week! These colorful Christmas bags as well as a lot of other great things will be available at the HS Holiday Concert and during the regular shop opening hours, Wednesday – 12.30-15.00h. Come and have a look!


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JFKS proudly presents „A Fractured Christmas Carol“:

Friday, December 6 – 19:00
Saturday, December 7 – 19:00
Sunday, December 8 – 14:00 (Matinee!)
Friday, December 13 – 19:00
Saturday, December 14 – 19:00

Adults: 7€
Students: 5€

Tickets are available in the Blue Building during lunch and online:

Ticket Reservation

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1400kg donated to the ES Canned Food Drive

1400kg dried and canned food was donated to the annual ES Canned Food Drive organized by the ES Student Council. A determined group of Cub Scouts, students and parent volunteers supported by Mr. Pothen moved the cans and packages on Friday, December 6. The next day Cub Scout Pack 152 sorted and packed the goods in 220 bags for the Laib und Seele program at the American Church in Berlin.

A big thank you to the JFKS Community for their donations and support!!

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Children’s Clothing Drive

The Elementary Student Council is sponsoring the Clothing Drive for roma children in Ponorata, Romania. Please bring your donations to the ES Administration hallway. Thank you for your support!

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