18 JFKS Students in Texas

JFKS sophomores attend our partner school, Trinity HS, in the Fort Worth/Dallas metroplex within the framework of the German American Partnership Program. Besides attending school, the students go on excursions, for example to the Sixth Floor Museum in Dallas to inform themselves about the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Also, they visit the Amon Carter Museum in Fort Worth to study Western art from Cole and Bierstadt to Russell and Remington. A day at the University of Texas in Arlington familiarized them with original documents about German Immigration to Texas as on display there in the Library, Special Collections. A day in Austin at the State Capitol and the UT were the highlite of the stay.

1. Ben Huseman’s lecture on German Immigration to Texas with original documents from the UT Arlington Library, Special Collections:
2. University of Texas in Austin, GAPP group on campus:
3. Invitation to lunch in Mrs. Blues classroom, IB French students:3Lunchinclassroom
4. Urban living: Sundance Square, a beautiful square downtown Fort Worth:

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2014 European Middle School Honor Orchestra

Here are the students who participated in the 2014 European Middle School Honor Orchestra at the Frankfurt International School on April 9-12.

From left to right: Mrs.Loewen, Charlie, Maya, Robert, Carlo, Charlotte, Valerie, Clara, Madita, Lucy, Zahavah, Helena, Serafina and Lydia.

BRAVO musicians for a great concert!



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Ubrique Exchange: Update

8 Apr 2014

grupo picnic small

Dear Ubrique families:  Our experience here is quickly coming to a close and it is hard to believe that the time has flown by so fast.  It seems like ages ago, and it seems like just yesterday.    As the weather muses predicted, we have had gorgeous weather from Friday onward, and we have all gone from wearing all our layers to getting out our summer clothes!
Sunday we had a lovely family picnic and we had a table full of tapas homemade by our host families. The picnic was near a spring, and the students quickly cooled off by pouring water all over each other :-). The next day, they attended classes with their host siblings and a group of the guys took a spontaneous hiking trip in the afternoon.  During classes, our two art students had the special privilege of going to art class led by Ubrique’s most famous painter, Martel. He even showed them his gallery and taught them how to draw eyes! 
Today, we spent the day in Ronda, another of Spain’s oldest towns, founded in the 6th century BC by the Celts, only then to be taken over by Romans, then Visigoths, then Arabs, then Christians.  We visited the Moorish Palacio de Mondragón, then took a mildly adventurous hike all the way around the outside of town to the Arab Baths.  It was our hottest day so far, and we were all happy to spend the later afternoon lounging and enjoying the gorgeous views surrounding us.
Please see the few pictures attached to give you an idea of our footsteps over the past few days!
It is with a mixture of sadness and satisfaction that we end this trip—we all have gotten quite used to the different rhythm here, and we know that a bit of re-entry culture shock will be awaiting us on Thursday at 8am.  Yet the students can all be so proud of themselves for their improved Spanish, their new friendships, and their increased understanding of different people and different places.  Thank you again, students, for the privilege of walking you through this time together in this most special place.
Now, back to reality…  Here is the flight info once again:
Wed, 9 Apr 2014
Air Berlin 2269
Arriving Berlin TXL 18:15
See everyone then!  Best, Julia Mentan


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BERMUN: Letter from the Philippine Ambassador


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Cross Finals on Saturday, 5 April

46 of our students (both ES and HS) qualified for the Vattenfall Cross Finals that took place on Saturday, 5 April in the Olympic Horse Stadium.

We are very proud to announce that Lili W. got 1st place.

Crosslauf 2014

Crosslauf 2014

Also, within the Top 20:

Catherine K. 4th place
Tom P. 11th place
Jaco M. 15th place
Jamina R. 13th place
Lilli S. 17th place
Pia E. 20th place

Congratulation to all participants!!

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Jugend Forscht – JFKS 8th graders win 1st place in Berlin

In February, Max Hentges and Nigel Rising competed in the regional „Jugend forscht“ competition. After spending the year planning, inventing, testing, and perfecting a safety monitor for bikes, they presented their device and report to the jury. The judges were so impressed with their work, they moved them up to the 15-21 year-old category where they won first place.

On March 25 -26th, they competed Berlin-wide in the same advanced category, and again took first place. The two eighth graders are heading to the Bundeswettbewerb in Künzelsau at the end of May.

We wish them all the best and hope the two JFKS students can make it to the top in all of Germany!


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JFKS Badminton WK III Team are Berlin Champions

We are Berlin Champions!

Our Badminton WK III Team won the Berlin Championships and will now represent  „das Bundesland Berlin“ at the German Championships in May!
In the quarter finals we won against the Berlin International School and during the semi finals we defeated the Robert-Havemann-Schule. In the end we won after a thrilling final against the International School Berlin.

W3 Badminton

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8th Grade Ski Trip 2014 – Pictures

pictures by Mr. Sinkora

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8th Grade Ski Trip – 3rd Update

March 18, 2014

Dear John F. Kennedy Parents and Community,

It is Day 10 of our 2014 8th Grade Ski Trip and the weather is sun, sun, sun! And what is the trendy new look on students´ faces? Goggle tan. White eyes and bronzed faces. You see this look everywhere: at the 8e Talent Show night last night, where various groups from all different classes sang, danced, and did skits while the rest of the goggle tanned students clapped, sang along, or respectfully listened to their classmates. The atmosphere was fun and exciting, with all students truly supporting those performing. Our goal of integration of cultures as well as the six sections is becoming a reality.

One also sees the goggle tan look on the slopes. Our beginning skier students have all made it with the gondola to the top of the mountain and are making their teachers and themselves proud by learning more each day. The advanced groups are refining their skills and seeing lots of the ski resort.

And finally, we have those goggle tanned teachers. Though sometimes tired from waking students, teaching skiing all day, helping to supervise bus rides, meals and evening activities, the staff still meets every night after ´lights out´ to talk about, what else? The goggle tanned students. The consensus? All teachers agree that this group of 2014 goggle tanned students are winners. They are a cohesive, thoughtful, positive, well-behaved, and a generally healthy bunch. They are no longer six sections. They are one group—one group that the teaching staff is very proud of.
Chris Weiss

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8th Grade Ski Trip – 2nd Update

March 16, 2014

“There are so many 8th graders I never knew were in my class.” – a JFKS student

Except for the past two days, the sun has shone for most of the week here.  There are many bronzed faces to show for it among teachers and students.  The snow at the bottom of the mountain has been generally slushy.  At the top of the Hochfϋgen ski resort the snow is crisper and complemented with the spectacular view of the Austrian, German and Italian Alps.

This is JFKS ski trip #39. For those unfamiliar with a city of Berlin tradition, a ski trip was historically a way to get Berlin students out of the walled city, to encourage them to face and overcome new challenges like skiing, and to better their social competencies.  With the fall of the wall in 1989, the focus shifted primarily to mastering new challenges and improving their interpersonal relations.  To do this, three times throughout the trip, the 128 eighth grade students break into 14 ski groups based on their ability.  In addition, each evening one of the six classes organizes a group event to encourage further interaction and fun.  Finally, two days are “ski-free days” for students to go for a hike, swim, or shop.  With one week already past in this beautiful setting, we believe the students are forming new friendships and strengthening others that will last in their time at JFKS and perhaps thereafter.    
Jason Lang, teacher

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