Music Department updates

The Music Department information on the website has been updated for the new school year. Please go to the link below, choose Elementary or High School and click on the ensemble you are interested in. You will find the director/contact person, practice times as well as in some cases semester schedules, enrollment forms and deadlines.

Music Department Information

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High School / First Day of School on Monday, 25 August 2014

Grades 7-10
Grade 7 should report to the LARGE AULA at 8 A.M. (per 1)
Grade 8 should report to the SMALL AULA at 8:52 (per 2)
Grade 9 should report to the LARGE AULA at 8:52 (per 2)
Grade 10 should report to the following homerooms at 8:52 (per 2):

























Grades 11-12:
Diploma and Abitur students get schedules in time to report to period 4 class at 10:37.
  • Diploma students: Ms. Campbell in Haus Reil.
  • Abitur students: Herr Schulz (W115)  and Herr Wiechert (W116).
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Lottery for 7th grade Spanish / Official Minutes

Under the following link you can find the official minutes of the 7th grade Spanish Lottery which took place on July 7, 2014:

7th grade Spanish Lottery Minutes

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New Families starting in 2014-15

Welcome to JFKS! If you haven’t been in contact with the Welcome Office yet, please e-mail Annika von Maydell:

Orientation Day for grades 1-12 will take place on Friday, August 22, at 13h

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JFKS Alumni John Brooks scores winning goal

JFKS Alumni John Brooks scored the second and winning goal for the US soccer team against Ghana:

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JFKS team wins 3rd place in Berlin ES Tennis Tournament

In the Tennis Tournament for Berlin elementary schools our JFKS-Team won 3rd place citywide! Congratulation to the following team members:

Jonathan, Carlo, Amelie and Liza


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Concert on 5.6.2014 in the Kirche zur Heimat

Concert on 5.6.2014 in the Kirche zur Heimat (because the large Aula is being renovated)

Concert Band
Concert Band

Concert Band

High School Orchestra
HS Orchestra

HS Orchestra

Concert Choir
Concert Choir

Concert Choir

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Our Most Successful Math Students in 2013-14

53. Mathematik-Olympiade 2013/2014” / 3. Runde

Teilnehmer/innen in der 3. Runde (Berlin-Runde):

  1. Leopold A. 3. Preis / Teilnehmer am Korrespondenzzirkel “Mathematik”
  2. Ann-Marie M. 2. Preis
  3. Christine H.
  4. Lisa T.
  5. Aldo K.
  6. Daniel S.

Bundeswettbewerb Mathematik 2014” / 1. Runde

  1. Aldo K. 2. Preis und qualifiziert für die 2. Runde
  2. Daniel S. 2. Preis und qualifiziert für die 2. Runde

Wettbewerb beim “19. Tag der Mathematik 2014” / 17.5.14, TU Berlin

Team “Die Hobbits” (Grade 7,8): Platz 39 von insgesamt 95 Teams im Wettbewerb!

  1. Leopold A.
  2. Eric B.
  3. Nina H.
  4. Philipp S.

Team “Jamma” (Grade 8):  Platz 20 von insgesamt 95 Teams im Wettbewerb!

  1. Maxwell H.
  2. Deia M.
  3. Ann-Marie M.
  4. Johanna P.
  5. Alessandro P.

Team “9th Grade JFKS” (Grade 9):

  1. Sophia S.
  2. Victoria S.
  3. Maja L.

Team “Mathe Kräcker” (Grade 11/12): Platz 7 von insgesamt 50 Teams im Wettbewerb!

  1. Philipp D.
  2. Aldo K.
  3. Daniel S.
  4. Jan W.

Känguru-Wettbewerb 2014 / Kangaroo-Math-Contest 2014

87 participants from JFKS – grade 7-13


  1. Leopold A. 1. Preis & Känguru-Sprung von 22
  2. Isabel M. 2. Preis & Känguru-Sprung von 18
  3. Aparna L. 2. Preis
  4. Flynn O. 2. Preis
  5. Cathleen R. 2. Preis
  6. Daniel S. 2. Preis
  7. Isaac D. 3. Preis
  8. Susanna H. 3. Preis
  9. Eric H. 3. Preis
  10. Aldo K. 3. Preis

Mathematik Live” / Bundesweiter Foto- und Video-Wettbewerb 2014

Kilian J. 1. Platz (Video-Wettbewerb)


  1. Leopold A. Finale
  2. Nina H. Zwischenrunde
  3. Maxwell H. Zwischenrunde
  4. Ann-Marie M. Zwischenrunde
  5. Philipp S. qualifiziert für die Zwischenrunde
  6. Lisa T. qualifiziert für die Zwischenrunde

Thanks to all our math teachers!!!

 And especially thanks to (… in alphabetical order):

 Mr. J. Draft

for inspiring and motivating his Accelerated Course students to face those challenges!

Herrn J. P. Heinsohn

for scheduling tests and exams carefully around our math events!

Herrn T. Kaufmann

for organizing and running the “Pangea-Mathematikwettbewerb” for the first time at JFKS and for grading at least 10 ‚Klausuren‘ in the 2nd round of the “Mathe-Olympiade”!>

Frau P. Krüger

for organizing and running the “Känguru-Wettbewerb” for our 8th graders during the ski trip for the first time at JFKS and helping to plan and organize the 2nd round of the “Mathe-Olympiade” at JFKS and for grading at least 10 ‚Klausuren‘ in the 2nd round of the “Mathe-Olympiade”!

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Berlin Badminton Elementary School Champion 2014

We have defended our title: Berlin Elementary School Champion in Badminton!

Our champions are: 

Angelina, Laszlo, Finley, Oscar, Tessa, Antonia, William, Stefan, Moana, Ingo
Badminton GS 2014
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Writer and American Academy Fellow Jonathan Lethem meets JFKS students

On Monday 19 May 2014 JFKS’s Haywire magazine and the Creative Writing/Film Class hosted acclaimed writer and American Academy Fellow Jonathan Lethem. The prolific Mr. Lethem dazzled our 11th grade Leistungskurse students with his wit and candor by sharing his creative life journey and some thoughts about his recently published New Yorker magazine short story „Pending Vegan“. He started out as a graphic artist, having grown up with artistic and Bohemian parents in Brooklyn and eventually was drawn to the ability to manipulate and communicate with language. The event was inspiring because it allowed students to hear from the artist himself – not by probing for explicit answers to his fictions, but by engaging the thinking behind the thinker. Mr. Lethem signed books and talked individually with students about stories, films, and novels. It was an amazing opportunity to host such an enigmatic personality and we hope more Fellows visit soon!

IMG_3455 IMG_3467 IMG_3470
Photos: Christina Lennartz (Gr. 12)

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