1st Semester 2014/15 Test and Klausur Schedules online

The Test and Klausur schedules for the first semester of 2014/2015 are available in the students section of the website.

To go there directly, please click here:

Test and Klausur Schedules

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FUN DAY 2014 on September 27 – Save the Date!!


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JFKS Photo Week Schedule 2014

The school photographer will be at JFKS this week. Please check the Photo Schedule below for your child’s class and the assigned time slot. He will take class as well as individual pictures.

(Schedule as of September 22 / Subject to change!)

MONDAY, September 22

08.05: 3b (Mattern)
08.20: 3d (Jones)
08.55: 3c (Densley)
09.15: 5d (Berduo)
09.30: 3e (Mayer)
09.50: Eka (Hoedt)
10.05: Ekb (Munsick)
10.40: 5e (Ontrop)
11.30: 2a (Opitz)
11.45: 9b (Moeller)
13.30: 8e (Curtis)
13.50: 7d (Ilmer)

TUESDAY, September 23

08.05: 5c (Glass)
08.20: 10a (Schultke)

08.35: 2b (Barkhymer)
09.15: 10e (Draft)
09.30: 8b (Träuptmann)
09.50: Ekc (Schnegg)
10.40: 3a (Geary-Mueller)
13.30: 6d (Swinea)
14.15: 9d (Zaplawa)

WEDNESDAY, September 24

08.05: 4e (Wingo)
08.20: 2c (Reichert)
08.35: 1e (Tenhafen)
08.55: 4a (Schorsch)
09.15: 5b (Jilbert)
09.30: 4b (Beebe)
09.50: 10f (Lang)
10.05: ES+HS Admin
10.20: ES+HS Admin
10.40: 8a (Stahl)
11.10: 6a (Peterson)
11.30: 10b (Faulkner)
11.45: 10c (Althoff)
12.05: 9a (Tessmer)
13.30: 7e (Cole)
14.15: 8c (Galloway)
14.30: 7a (Amman)

THURSDAY, September 25

08.05: 9e (Hoedt)
08.20: 1a (Müller, K.)
08.35: 1b (Elle)
08.55: 1c (Schoell)
09.15: 1d (Prenzel)
09.30: 8e (Callahan)
09.50: Eke (Dawi)
10.05: 6e (Evers)
10.40: 6c (Ziegler)
11.10: 7f (Baildon)
11.30: ES Peer Mediators
13.30: 10d (Krueger)
13.50: 7b (Beelitz)
14.15: 9f (Müller)
14.30: 12 English

FRIDAY, September 26

08.05: 2e (Lambrecht)
08.20: 2d (Betz)
08.35: 4c (Hoenicke)
08.55: 4d (Tomlinson)
09.15: 6b (Schäfer, K.)
09.50: Ekd (Fischer)
10.05: 5a (Schröder)
10.20: 7c (Martens)
11.30: 9c (Aurich)
14.15: 8f (Hale)
14.30: 11 English

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Relay Day / Staffeltag Steglitz-Zehlendorf 2014

On September 17, the best JFKS runners from both the elementary and high school competed at the Staffeltag der Berliner Schulen (Relay Day) at the Stadion Lichterfelde. Everybody was in a great mood and the weather was beautiful. Several relay teams from the ES and HS came in first and second place and qualified for the Berlin finals on October 1, 2014 at the Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn-Sportpark.

A big thank you to the accompanying teachers / coaches: Mr. Calhoun and Mr. Mandel (ES); Fr. Aurich, Hr. Müller and Hr. Kelpin (HS)!

Congratulations to all our fast students! 






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JFKS Einschulung 2014

On Friday, September 12, JFKS held its traditional Einschulung ceremony for the new Entrance Class students and their families in the newly renovated large Aula.

DSC_1870(1)They were welcomed by American Elementary School Principal Steven Pothen and German Elementary School Principal and Managing Director Reinhard Roth.

DSC_1893(1)The 2nd grade and the Suzuki violin students presented special performances, before all 95 new students‘ names were called by their homeroom teachers who led them to their classrooms for the traditional handing-over of the Schultüten.

Congratulations and a warm welcome to the JFKS community!

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50th Anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s visit to Berlin

On Friday, September 12, a group of JFKS students from the elementary and high school participated in a memorial event celebrating the 50th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King’s visit to Berlin organized by the US Embassy and the Stiftung Berliner Mauer.

Ms. Cook put together a vocal ensemble of 8-9th grade students for this occasion which provided the wonderful musical accompaniment for the celebration.

JFKS elementary students Chloe, Helena (both 4th grade) and James (6th grade) read their essays from this year’s Martin Luther King essay competition.

All JFKS students received very positive feed-back for their contributions and afterwards had a chance to meet Dr. Steele and Dr. LaFayette from the Southern Christian Leadership Conference.


Other participants included students from the Rosa-Luxemburg-Gymnasium and the Ernst-Reuter-Oberschule.

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Please support the drama department

This coming Friday, September 19 at 16:00h, the Drama Department will need volunteers to clean out and organize their storage basement. Especially people who are able to help carry heavy items would be helpful.

Let’s get ready for another fun season of plays and musicals!!

Please contact Becci McDaniel:

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First Round of Math Olympics started

Attention: This event is only for German speaking students.

1. Runde der Mathematik-Olympiade 2014 an der John-F.-Kennedy-Schule Berlin

Der Wettbewerb richtet sich an alle Schülerinnen und Schüler der Olympiade-Klassen 5 bis 12 unserer Schule.

Die Aufgaben können bei den Mathematiklehrerinnen und Mathematiklehrern in gedruckter Form abgeholt  werden. Hier gibt es sie als PDF: Klasse 5Klasse 6, Klasse 7, Klasse 8, Klasse 9-10, Klasse 11-12

Lösungen können bis zum 17.10.2014 bei den Mathematiklehrerinnen und Mathematiklehrern abgegeben werden.

Erfolgreiche Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer qualifizieren sich für die 2. Runde der Mathematik-Olympiade, die am 12.11.2014 als Regionalrunde in unserer Schule stattfinden wird.

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JFKS Information Fair / September 10, 19:00

The John F. Kennedy School will be holding an Information Fair on Wednesday, September 10, 2014 from 19:00-20:30h in the Aula (large auditorium). Community and school-sponsored organizations will be present to provide you with the most recent information about:


which are of interest to you as well as you child(ren).

Don’t miss this opportunity to inform yourself! Due to the large response from various organizations, the JFKS 2014 Information Fair is of value for both returning as well as new parents.

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REPORT CARDS – GRADES 8-12 Sem 2/Qtr 4 – 2013/14

What do I do if I have questions regarding attendance or activities on my report card from the previous academic year?

1. For attendance:

  • See your Tutor from 2013/14.
  • If that teacher is not at JFKS this year, see Mr. Anderson.
  • He/She may then submit your report card, with corrections, to Frau Stephan.

2. For activities:

  • See your activity’s faculty advisor, teacher or coach.
  • If your activity leader is not at JFKS this year, see Mr. Anderson.
  • He/She may then submit your report card, with corrections, to Frau Stephan.

In either case, this must be done by September 5, 2014.

JFKS Administration

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