Shakespeare Rocks – 5/6th grade musical

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JFKS table tennis teams at Berlin-wide school competition „Jugend trainiert für Olympia”

JFKS sent two teams to compete in “Jugend trainiert für Olympia”. The boys of 11th grade (WK III) got hard opponents and finished up in eighth place without winning a match. The younger boys of 8th grade (WK II) won one game, tied one game and lost one game in group stage. Thus they were knocked out unfortunately on the seventh place. Nevertheless both JFKS teams tried their best and showed great sportsmanship.

WK III – Team: Sebastian S., Fabian U., Leonard W., Valentin K., Moritz B.

WK III – Team: Sebastian S., Fabian U., Leonard W., Valentin K., Moritz B.

TT-WKI IJan 2015

WK II – Team: Tyrese H., Caelin J., Tyrone W., Felix S., Leander P.


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SHAKESPEARE ROCKS – 5th/6th Grade Musical / January 23 and 24 at 19:00, Large Aula

This coming Friday and Saturday the 5th / 6th Grade Choir presents SHAKESPEARE ROCKS with a 7th / 8th Grade Shakespeare Warmup:

Poster for electronic board

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Good start in the New Year 2015: Our Badminton WK0 Team reached 3rd place at the Landesfinale!

Here is the team:

Badminton WK0 Team reached 3rd place at the Landesfinale

Badminton WK0 Team at the Landesfinale

Valerie, Lea, Kailey, Jovan, Kai, Robin
Coach S. Kaiser

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Refugee – Wunschbaum Drive

JFKS Students, parents and staff members provide X-Mas gifts for over 200 refugees at the AWO Refugium Lichtenberg – please come on Thursday, Dec 18th, to Rhinstrasse 125 – 127 by 16h30 if you want to help distributing the presents. You would be more than welcome!

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Poetry Night on Wed Jan 7 2015 in the Aula

You’re invited to join us for a Haywire sponsored night of spoken word!

Poetry Night

Pposter by Olivia Gallup

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Second “JFKS Alumni Meet HS Students” event on Monday, January 5th, 2015 at JFKS (small aula) from 3:15 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Mark your calendar! Coming soon: a panel discussion with recent JFKS alumni about life after graduation. Listen to first-hand experience on vocational training, gap year,
internships or studying in Germany or abroad. Gather with alumni in the foyer of the small aula afterwards to ask your personal questions while having a complimentary
cup of coffee or a soft drink.
After the successful premiere in 2014, parents, student council, Mr. Heinsohn, and the JFKS Berlin Alumni e.V. are organizing the second “JFKS Alumni Meet HS Students”
event for 10th to 12th graders on Monday, January 5th, 2015, from 3:15 – 5 p.m. in the small aula, giving you a great reason to look forward to the first day of school
after Christmas vacation!
Don’t miss this event – 10th to 12th graders who want to attend but have instruction in the 9th hour (3:05 p.m. – 3:50 p.m) will be excused from class.

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Tennis Double – JFKS ES Team wins 2nd place

In the Tennis Double-Tournament for Berlin elementary schools our JFKS Team won 2nd place citywide! Congratulations to the following team members:

     Jan, Jonathan, Johanna, Helen, Amelie, Carlo, Lukas
                                         Coach S.Kaiser
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Memorial Service for Dr. Alan Poland / November 25, 19:00h, Large Aula

Dear JFKS Community Members,

For those who wish to join us in remembering Alan Poland, who passed away on November 9, there will be a memorial service in the large Aula next Tuesday, November 25, beginning at 19:00 hr.  The alumni have kindly offered to serve a potluck buffet afterwards.  It is likely that there will be quite a large crowd of well-wishers, so you are welcome to bring a dish to add to the potluck.

I’m sure we all have our favorite stories as well as warm memories.  We look forward to sharing ours with you.

Friends of Alan Poland and School Administration
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JFKS High School Table Tennis Championships – November 11th

On Tuesday, November 11th, some students and teachers met in the JFKS gym to compete for the first High School Championships in table tennis. Robert B. (12a) dominated the tournament without losing one game. In the final match he overcame his brother Henry B. (12a) 3:0. On the teacher side especially Hr. Schulze caused somewhat of a surprise and finished up in third place.

Table Tennis Student-Teacher Championship

Table Tennis Student-Teacher Championship

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