Choir and Orchestra Concert in the Heilig-Kreuz-Kirche on 26 February

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2017 AMIS High School Honor Choirs – Abu Dhabi

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Berlin Champions im Badminton WK II 2017 – Jugend trainiert für Olympia!

Nach sehr aufregenden und knappen Finalspielen gegen das Martin-Buber- und das Barnim-Gymnasium, haben wir endlich die Berliner Meisterschaften 2017 gewonnen!

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Eltern-Schüler Informationsabende Abitur und Diploma

Eltern-Schüler Informationsabende zum Abitur- und Diploma-Programm

für Schüler der 10. Klassen, die in die 11. Klasse kommen,

finden an den folgenden Terminen statt:

Abitur-Programm (H. Schulz, H. Wiechert)

27. März 2017 – 19:00h, Große Aula


Diploma-Programm (Ms. Gebhardt)

28. März 2017 – 19:00h, Große Aula

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5./6. Klasse Musical: „Superstan“ 24. und 25. Februar


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Parent-Student Information Evenings Abitur and Diploma

Parent-Student Information Evenings for the Abitur and Diploma Programs

for 10th graders going into 11th grade

will take place on the following dates:

Abitur Program (H. Schulz, H. Wiechert)

March 27, 2017 – 19:00h, Large Aula


Diploma Program (Ms. Gebhardt)

March 28, 2017 – 19:00h, Large Aula

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JFKS Girls‘ Basketball team reaches the Berlin finals

JFK on three – one, two three!

Another tournament meant another great run for the JFKS girls’ basketball team on March 1st in Charlottenburg. Despite this being the first season of playing together, the ladies showed fantastic team dynamics and started the day off with two dominant wins. Every one of them stepped out of their comfort zones to contribute to an overall truly admirable performance. After already having played two games, the players showed absolutely no signs of fatigue and still had the drive as well as determination to put up a relentless fight against one of the city’s top schools. They stunned the crowd and opponents by taking the lead multiple times and playing beautiful basketball on both ends of the floor. In the end, the team fell just short of first place but walked away with a smile and a punched ticket to the league finals later this March.

Congratulations ladies and a massive thank you for making the JFKS community proud once again. Good luck for the finals!

Players: Kameric, A., Kelly, C., Hein, I., Knese, H., Josse, M., FitzPatrick, L., Gwodzik, M., Weyprachtitzky, A.

Coaches: Coach Nagel (head coach), Graef, J (assistant coach)

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5/6 Grade Musical: „Superstan“ February 24 and 25

Another great JFKS musical is coming up: 5/6 Grade Musical „Superstan“ with a pre-show by the 8th Grade Small Ensemble:

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Berlin Basket Ball Finals „Jugend trainiert für Olympia“

Berlin Basketball Finals „Jugend trainiert für Olympia“ Girls WK III

A big thank you goes out to the talented ladies of JFKS basketball who did a fantastic job representing our school last week at the Berlin Championships. They earned a well-deserved silver medal, making the coaching team very proud.

Against a clearly more experienced team, the players fought until the very end, putting up a great performance on both the offensive and defensive ends and collectively excelled, stepping out of their comfort zones and playing better than ever before.

Players: Kameric, A., Hein, I., Knese, H., Josse, M., FitzPatrick, L., Gwodzik, M., Weyprachtitzky, A.

Coaches: Coach Nagel (head coach), Graef, J. (assistant coach)

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German Stammtisch (Conversation Table) – Practice your German in an informal setting

Practice your German and enjoy a pleasant afternoon with the JFKS community! All levels of German are welcome – native and advanced speakers are also invited to complete the group!

The next meeting:

Saturday, March 11 – 16.30h – 18.30h at the Restaurant „Luise“ in Dahlem, Königin-Luise-Str. 40, 14195 Berlin

For more information, please look at the flyer:

German Stammtisch

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