All students will be dismissed at 10:35 a.m. on Friday, February 1st, the last day before winter break.

There is no school during the following week. School resumes on Monday, February 11th.

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Parent Information Evening – Dealing with Drugs and Alcohol (Jan. 21)

January 21 in the SMALL Aula 7:00pm – 9:00pm

A discussion on what our teens may encounter with drugs and alcohol. An expert from the Berliner Suchtpräventionstelle (Berlin Center for Addiction Prevention) will present in English and have a Q&A session in English and German. She will talk about:

● What drugs teens may encounter
● Talking to your teen about drugs/alcohol
● Ways for your teens to resist peer pressure
● What is the law? As a parent and/or party host, what is your responsibility and liability?

Please join us for this important topic and contact with any questions.

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ISTA Trivia Night – January 18

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Alumni meet High School Students (January 7)

On Monday January 7th, 2019 the event Alumni meet High School Students will take place between 3:15 p.m. and 5 p.m. in the Small Aula and foyer. During the panel discussion (3:15 p.m. – 4 p.m.) recent JFKS graduates will share their experiences, i.e. applying for universities, taking a gap year, finding an apprenticeship or a job.

Topics which will be of interest especially for 12th and 11th grade students.

If you have any questions please get in touch either with Steffen Schulz or with the alumni association at .

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Guys & Dolls Musical – Ticket Reservations

To reserve your tickets, please click here.


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8th Grade Ski Trip Information

All the information regarding next year’s ski trip has been uploaded to the website for the 8th grade ski trip.

These documents have been sent home with the students over the last few months.

Please make a special note of the upcoming info evening on Tuesday, November 27. Details can be found here.


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Garden Day – October 13 at 10am

Dear JFKS Students, Parents, Teachers and Principals,

Even with a seemingly endless summer, fall is finally coming, which means also that our GARDEN DAY for the whole campus is fast approaching!

It will be October 13th, beginning at 10 a.m.

Please bring children and family along – we need as many helping hands as possible!

Also, please bring your gardening tools and gloves with you. There will be Bratwurst on the grill, soft drinks and cake.

Let’s make it a fun day, let’s clean up the campus and enjoy the bright colors of autumn.

Looking forward to see you,

Your Parent Council Board

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To All Parent Representatives: Invitation to 1st Parent Council Meeting

Dear parent representatives for the school year 18-19,
We hereby would like to invite you to the first meeting of the Parent Council (PC) on Tuesday, September 25, 2018 in the large Aula. The PC will elect the new board members. We thank you for your efforts and attendance.

Sehr geehrte Elternvertreter für das Schuljahr 18-19,
hiermit möchten wir Sie zur ersten Gesamtelternvertretung (GEV) am Dienstag, 25.9.2018 um 19.00 Uhr in der großen Aula der JFKS einladen. Die GEV wird ihre neuen Vorstandsmitglieder wählen. Wir danke für Ihren Einsatz und Ihr Kommen.

Jenny Hoenicke
Amtierende dt. Schulleiterin/Konrektorin (GS)

Racso Cortinas
American Principal (ES)

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Invitation: Screenagers – Growing Up in the Digital Age

Dear Parents,
On behalf of the JFKS Verein and school counselling team, you are kindly invited to the upcoming special screening of the film SCREENAGERS. Students in Grades 5 through 12 will be shown the film during school hours in the week leading up to the parent screening on Friday, August 31st.

This internationally acclaimed documentary (70 mins) explores parental struggles over their teen’s use of digital media and offers solutions to help families find balance. Experts share their thoughts on the topics the movie covers, which include social media, video games, internet addiction, digital citizenship and more.

There will be two screenings of the film for parents to choose from. Tickets are free of charge but must be reserved in advance due to limited capacity. The morning screening is at 11.30 at Bali Kino, Teltowerdamm 33 (This is the small cinema in Zehlendorf Mitte). The evening screening is at 7pm in the large Aula at JKFS.

We look forward to seeing you there.
(Be on the lookout for an email from the PC with link to RSVP!)


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Grades 1-6 start school on Monday at 8:05.

Grade 1: Students meet the teachers in the BACK of the school (at the the spider web). ‚Bus children‘ will be picked up from the ramp/gate.

Grade 2: Students go to the same classrooms as last year.

Grade 3: Students stop by the tables in front of the main entrance to look at the new class lists and meet the teachers.

Grade 4: Students go to the same classrooms as last year.

Grade 5: Class lists are posted in the red building entrance way.

Grade 6: Students go to the same classrooms as last year.

We wish all teachers, students and parents a great start and a successful new school year!


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