Ski Trip Update – 18.3.

The ski trip is inching its way to the finish. We have only three days left of skiing and one long day of travel to Berlin. From the perspective of the JFKS teacher team, the trip is so far another successful investment in building community among this class of 8th grade JFKS students.

I thought, however, it might be rather interesting to hear about the trip from the students’ perspectives. Thus, I asked students to share an interesting memory about life on the ski trip. Here are some of the stories they shared. They provide a picture of what is on the mind of our students.

Jason Lang
One of the JFKS Teachers and Ski Instructors


Student Stories
“Frau Schihan has amazing glasses. Each of the lenses is a different shape. Also, each side is a different color.” – (Alyssa R.)
“I was so tired when we went to the city on our ski-free day that I ran into a wall.” – (Aerin H.)
“I think it is cool how it is so organized and how every morning the “Bergwelt” greets us in the morning.” – (Magdalena B.)
“My room has learned to play Poker.” – (Lara S.)
“My ski teacher fell off the ski run.” – (Carl N.)
“I have been trying to convince one student of the reality of climate change.” – (Santiago R.)
“I don’t even how it happened. I just flipped over and I tried lifting my leg and my ski was not on it.” – (Maddie R.)
“In the 30 minutes Herr Hoedt and I were sitting in the kids waiting room at the doctor’s office, Herr Hoedt managed to break off the hand and head of the skeleton model. The top of the head fell and landed on the ground, which then knocked the brain out.” – (Shilpa L.)
“Teddy made me throw-up because of a water-drinking competition.” – (Beatrix H.)
“We were sliding through the forest with Mr. Weiss on the ‘shortcut’ during the hiking trip.” – (Chloe P.)
“Mr. Greeves likes to take our Pombär.” – (Julian K.)
“Our room almost burnt down due to a deodorant bomb.” – (Sam W.)
“I overhead someone say, ‘Be careful that the cows don’t spit on you.’” – (Vincent L.)
“Someone ate the daisy flower that I gave them.” – (Ryan R.)
“I went over a bump and then I went shoulder first into a hill.” – (Nicholas K.)
“Meine Gruppe wird Schneewitchen (Herr Nagel) und die sieben Zwerge gennant.“ – (Luzie B.)
“Due to an Austrian Dwarf onslaught on our bus on the way home from the ski hill near the railroad tracks, I almost died because I didn’t put my helmet on backwards. I forgot to be “safe and sexy”. – (Milo K.)
“Mr. Lang sounds like Count Dracula from Sesame Street when he is counting for push-ups.” –(Dustin P.)
“The weather Friday was icky and gross and disgusting and wet and uncomfortable.” – (Ada L.)
“We have been eating a lot of ramen.” Mr. Lang asked, ‘Why?’ “Because it is really good.” –(Livia H.)
“Fridie M. looks like Rudolf the Rednose Reindeer” – (Philina C.)
“I almost skied over a mouse today.” – (Ayodeji O.)
“I smell a lot of deodorant that my roommates spray because of the sewage aroma in the room.” – (Cade B., Ben W., Deacon M., Jacob C., Johannes G.)
“I was peacefully skiing down the slope, doing nothing wrong, when suddenly, I felt like an elephant ran into me. I tumbled through the air and landed very roughly on the icy snow. Then Herr Willner climbed a long way back up the hill to rescue me, and he seemed to almost have a heart attack when he arrived.” – (Kira G.)
“I like story-time in the evening.” – (Cade B.)
“Kristian keeps skiing past me and calling me a loser.” – (Micah H.)
Sarah’ Question: “Why are there plates under the bed? Answer: We just laughed. Our birthday surprise was ruined. – (Rhea T.)
“Another group visiting, locked us out of our room.” –(Annalena H.)
“Everyone needs their own space.” – (Priya K.)
“I was hiking and I tripped on a twig. Then I did a front roll down the hill and twisted my knee. Then I went to the doctors, Herr Mueller told me that it was just a bruise and gave me “magic healing cream.” – (Kira G.)
“I went to the doctor’s office because I had a cramp. They gave me a magnesium pill and it was pretty big. And they said “auflosen”. I just put the pill in my mouth and then drank water. Then I was sick.” – (Amir A.)
“Everybody needs to calm down.” – (Rileigh M.)
“Rona looks like she has a palm tree on her head.” – (Coco L.)
“There is a lot of drama.”– (Rona B.)
“Legend says that the J. L. Foundation supports the whole ski trip.” – (Noah D.)
“Ned [alias] feels rejected by me because I declined his love for me.” – (Jules P. [Alias]) … Another student commenting on the situation: “I think Ned is rejecting Jules.” – (Sam K.)
“Madame Pfaff screamed during the room inspection because our room had a rancid sink. It was demolished by six hyper and snotty boys.” – (Justus F.)
“On the first day, C. always released gas.” – (Frederik K.)
“Mr. Felt made fun of a British accent while announcing the winner for a lip-sync battle competition. – (Maya P.)
“I fell and then it was bad.” – (Oona D.)
“After the Room Cleaning Inspection took place, it took 30 seconds again for our room to be trashed again.” – (Nico H.)

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Ski Trip Update – 16.3.

While the gray, wet windy weather may have subdued spirits on the bus (providing a relatively quiet ride down for thankful teachers!), the excitement of new rooms, fun roommates and the stunning alpine scenery provided reason for plenty of joy and anticipation.

We were especially proud of the patience of our students in several ways on our “opening day.” It is not fun to stand in the long line at the ski rental place, finding that “perfect fit” of a snowboot and the right size skis. Nevertheless, the process was the smoothest in many years. We were surprised when Herr Mueller reported at dinner that the rental place had praised our students for their cooperation and good behavior – what a tribute!

The next challenge: blinding and quick-falling snow that prevented one of our cars from making it up the slope, and forcing the local busses to put chains on their tires before continuing their ascent. Herr Hoedt was in the middle of it all, slipping and sliding in a heroic trek up the hill, knowing that the lunch bags in his car must be delivered.

Once again the students had to be patient, not only during our two assessment runs but also with the constant snowfall and cold. But new groups were formed during lunch and most everybody enjoyed several afternoon runs. A few card games and table tennis matches provided further entertainment in the recreation room before Wiener Schnitzel and hausgemachter Apfel Strudel provided sustenance for a new day. 8f provided the first evening program.

We woke to fresh snow in the valley on Tuesday! The first full day of skiing provided the reward for the challenges of previous days as well as a chance to truly witness some of the talent of this 8th grade class. Many students of varying levels got a taste of fresh powder, and the fresh powder got a taste of one of our girls’ skis! (To be returned to the rental shop when discovered sometime in July!) Many teachers remarked how students with outstanding skills have gone out of their way to help and support fellow students with growing skills, this writer included!

After lasagna this evening, a raucous lip sync contest hosted by 8b ensued with various choreographical wonders, laughs and hearty applause. After long debate, the judges gave the edge to 8c who performed a rousing rendition of “Country Roads.” Must be the mountains.

We all look forward to a sound sleep tonight! C. Felt

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Spring Play: The Servant of Two Masters – April 4+5+6

The Servant of Two Masters, by Carlo Goldoni
One weekend.  Thursday, Friday, and Saturday evenings (4, 5, 6 April).  That’s the opportunity to laugh and be entertained.


This play is from the historical tradition called Commedia dell’Arte, and we are going to follow many of the traditions associated with commedia:  mistaken identity, someone in disguise, tangled love relationships (will they end up with the one they love?), cranky old men, and servants (one in particular) who create chaos.


The show begins at 19:00 and tickets are €3 for students and €5 for adults.  You may reserve tickets online by clicking here.  Tickets will be on sale in the Blue building during high-school lunch every day beginning Monday, 25 March.  Come and support our students!


Note to parents of ES Students: We welcome older elementary students to attend, but parents should be aware that there is some violence in the show.

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JFKS Flea Market – May 26

The JFKS Flea Market is back on the Calendar!!
Save the date:

Sunday, May 26, 2019 from 10:00 to 15:00

We are very excited to keep this tradition going. We will need volunteers to help with organizing as well as help on the day of. If you are available to help please send an email to .

More details coming soon.

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Ski Trip Update – 10.3.

The busses have arrived in Bruck! The students are having dinner and settling into their rooms for the night!


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Band Extravaganza – March 7

All are invited to hear the JFKS High School Bands in concert this week. The four bands (MS/HS Jazz and MS/HS Concert Band) will be performing on Thursday, March 7 at 19:00 in the Large Aula.

Hope to see you there!

No photo description available.

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German Drama GK Show – March 8 and 9

The German Drama Grundkurs invites you to the interdisciplinary show „Der unterhaltsame Aufstieg und Fall des Vater Courage – Ein ungemütlich-brechtextremer Abend gegen das Wegschauen, Wegducken und Weglaufen“ about a charismatic businessman and leader of a small radical party who comes to power in a fictional state named Sliwania. The JFK-production addresses the actual state of democracy and raises questions about values and freedom.

We’re proud to announce that Karamba Diaby, member of the Bundestag will be our guest before the show to talk about discrimination in every day life.

March 8 at 15:30 in the Small Aula: Lecture and discussion with Dr. Karamba Diaby

March 8 and 9 at 18:00 in the Small Aula: Show begins


To view the event flyer click here. The play is not recommended to elementary school students.

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Positive Discipline Info Evening – March 4

In partnership with the John F. Kennedy Friendship Center e.V., we are excited to offer a new series of Positive Discipline Parent Workshops.  Please join us on Monday, March 4, from 19-20:30 in the Large Aula to learn about Positive Discipline and how you can sign up for our upcoming workshops.

Click here for details on the informational evening on the eve of March 4.  

Please use this sign up sheet to register for the upcoming workshops.

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NHS Benefit Concert, Feb. 21

The JFKS National Honor Society invites you for their annual benefit concert.

All proceeds will benefit  Der Verein für Demokratische Kultur in Berlin e.V , a Berlin-based pro-democracy NGO.

The concert is on Thursday, 21 February at 18:30 in the Large Aula. Music will be performed by students and professional musicians.

Food and drink will be served. It is the best buffet in Berlin, one night per year.

8€ adults / 5€ under 18. You may buy tickets in advance or at the door.

We hope you will join us to support democracy and our students.

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BVG Strike on Friday, Feb. 15

Friday is a regular school day. School education is mandatory for the students. The strike measures concern only the BVG (ie: buses, subways and trams). The S-Bahn and school buses go regularly. Parents whose children usually use the BVG should explore alternative transport routes in good time. Thank you for planning ahead!
Freitag ist ein normaler Schultag. Für die Schüler*innen besteht Schulpflicht. Die Streikmaßnahmen betreffen ausschließlich die BVG (also: Busse, U-Bahnen und Straßenbahnen). Die S-Bahn und die Schulbusse fahren regulär. Eltern, deren Kinder üblicherweise die BVG nutzen, sollten rechtzeitig alternative Beförderungsrouten erkunden. Vielen Dank, dass Sie vorsorglich planen!
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