Congrats: 1. Platz im Schwimmen der 3. Klassen in Steglitz-Zehlendorf!

Heute ist das Schwimmteam der 3. Klassen gegen andere Schulen im Bezirk Steglitz-Zehlendorf geschwommen und hat den 1. Platz belegt! Dadurch werden unsere Schüler unseren Bezirk beim Berlin-Finale am 6.6. in der Schwimmhalle am Sachsendamm in Schöneberg vertreten.


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Congrats: Berliner Meister im Basketball!

The JFK Wk IV mixed basketball team, made up of fourth, fifth and sixth grade boys and girls, won the ALBA-Grundschulliga Mixed-Masters division. They won all four of their games on Sunday, 11.05.2019, to become Berliner Meister. Congratulations to all of the participants for their victory and thank you for representing the John-F.-Kennedy School in the positive way that you did. 

-Coach Calhoun 

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JFKS Kinderflohmarkt – 26.5.

We are excited that the tradition will continue! Thank you for all the volunteers organizing this year’s children’s flea market on May 26.

Doors will be open from 10:00 to 14:00 and the flea market will take place in any weather outside!

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Earth Week at JFKS

The Elementary School is celebrating Earth Week with the following themes during the week after our break! Thank you to the Roots & Shoots Elective for creating the posters and raising awareness!

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Parent Evening: Screen Talk – 2.5.

All parents are invited! Join the discussion.

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High School Testing Schedule and Instruction – 26.3. + 27.3.

There will be NO high school instruction on Tuesday, March 26th,  due to the Abitur 5.PK.

Wednesday, March 27th will be a regular school day, however some classes in the morning might be cancelled or substituted to facilitate the remaining exams.

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Garden Day – 6.4.

Dear All JFKS Parents, Students, Teachers, and Principals,

As many of you know, our all-campus Garden Day, April 6th  beginning at 10 a.m., is quickly approaching.

We need as many hands as possible so bring your children and entire family along!

Please bring your favorite gardening tools and gloves from home. Sausages will be on the grill and drinks provided. Cake donations are happily accepted!

Let´s get together and do something as a community for the JFK School.  We can’t wait to see you there!

Your Parent Council Board


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Ski Trip – Final Thoughts

Final thoughts for the 2019 Ski Trip:

If they took full advantage of this year’s ski trip, your children benefitted in multitudinous ways over the last two weeks. Everyone excelled on the slopes but so many polished their skills of courtesy, for example at the dinner table where they quickly moved from a mentality of “French Fries? Gimme!!” to “Can I serve you a plate of goulash?” or “Please, let me take that empty soup dish for you!” Don’t believe us? Ask your child!

They experienced meeting deadlines in various ways, especially for the teacher-led room inspections. Many children took the brave leap of performing “on stage” in class activities for their classmates’ amusement, while others worked behind the scenes to support teachers and classmates alike. For example, this teacher benefitted greatly from an injured top-tier skier who served as “caboose” in our quickly advancing intermediate group, allowing me to give more attention to individual students. Many students even surprised us by showing their appreciation for the various efforts of the teachers, whether serious or silly, sagacious or solace-giving.

Too much space is needed for the different contributions of all the teachers, but two truly warrant mention. Not only is Herr Hoedt our most experienced and effective teacher of the beginning skiers (many “beginners” were enjoying the black slopes by trip’s end!), but he also spent numerous hours taking your children to doctor’s offices or the hospital, often arriving late for dinner after hours of sitting in waiting rooms, keeping your children company.

Both Mr. Lang and Mr. Weiss took a moment at our final dinner to reveal just how much Herr Mueller does for the two weeks we are in Austria (and the months of planning beforehand), offering direction to students and his teacher team alike. Perhaps Mr. Weiss said it best when he described Herr Mueller as the quintessential model for what is great about the Kennedy School and its mission of bringing the two cultures together in mutual understanding. It is not always easy and certainly there are challenges along the way, but the spontaneous and thundering standing ovation offered by the students confirmed their appreciation for him and the outstanding job he did again this year. We are all lucky to be a part of this experience! Thank you for sharing your children with us!

-C. Felt




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Ski Trip Update – Arrival Time

The estimated arrival time of our 8th graders and the JFKS staff is 17:30.

Friendly reminder: Please do not block the ramp entrance or exit when parking and allow for the buses to safely drive up the ramp by staying on the sidewalk! Thank you!

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Positive Discipline Parent Workshops

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