Black History Month – Week 3

Today marks the last week of Black History Month. Although the month is over, we should never stop learning about black history. One month will never be enough to learn about history, let alone learn and honor Black leaders, but we encourage you all to use the rest of this month to dig into history and the present and reflect on where your own powers and privileges intersect and interlock. 

These resources are not all-inclusive and Black history is not a monolith. Below are some daily actions as well as people to follow, educational resources, and organizations to support. 

IDEAS challenges our school community to use this opportunity to learn about Black leaders in both German & American histories (including the present) to further cultivate empathy and accountability with these histories, and to participate in conversations that can make our communities more dynamic. 



Get familiar and educate yourself about…

Tuesday – Feb 21st

“It doesn’t matter how strong your opinions are. If you don’t use your power for positive change, you are, indeed, part of the problem.” – Corretta Scott King

Wednesday – Feb 22nd 

“You always seek to control others when you are not in full ownership of yourself.”- Cicely Tyson, Just as I Am

Thursday – Feb 23rd 

“If you are silent about your pain, they’ll kill you and say you enjoyed it.” – Zora Neale Hurston 

Friday –    Feb 24th 

“You’ve never lived till you’ve flown!” – Bessie Coleman

Saturday – Feb 25th

“Racism is so universal in this country, so widespread, and deep-seated, that it is invisible because it is so normal.” – Shirley Chisolm 

Further Reading

Sunday –  Feb 26th

“Authors do not supply imaginations, they expect their readers to have their own, and to use it”- Nella Larsen

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26.02. Choir & Orchestra Concert

Join us on Sunday, February 26 at 16.00 at the Pauluskirche in Zehlendorf (Kirchstr. 6) for a concert presented by the Choirs and Orchestra of JFKS (grades 9-12 plus Parent/Faculty Choir).
Featured on the program will be the Requiem by Gabriel Faure. 
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Update: ES Candy Gram Fundraiser for Earthquake Relief

Our ES Student Council raised €514 in candy gram sales! We sold out and could have raised much more…
This amount was matched by an ES staff member – and then  DOUBLED by a HS teacher!

All together, the ES will be donating 
2014.00 to both ahbap in Turkey and to in Syria.
Thank you for your overwhelming support.


Unsere Schülervertretung der GS hat 514 € durch den Verkauf von Candy Grams eingenommen! Wir waren ausverkauft und hätten noch viel mehr sammeln können…

Dieser Betrag wurde von einer Lehrkraft der GS verdoppelt – und dann von einer Lehrkraft der OB nochmals verdoppelt!

Insgesamt spendet die GS 2014,00 € sowohl an ahbap in der Türkei als auch an in Syrien.

Vielen Dank für die überwältigende Unterstützung.

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Message from the Verein

Click on the letter to enlarge it.

To access the Tuurio Verein page, click here.

The registration page is available in both German and English.
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HS: Grades 7-10 – Test Schedule 2. Semester

Please click below to view the test schedules for the second semester. 

Please note these documents will not include any future edits. Changes will be made in WebUntis only.


Hier finden Sie die Pläne für die Klassenarbeiten im zweiten Semester.

Bitte beachten Sie, dass diese Dokumente keine zukünftigen Änderungen enthalten werden. Änderungen werden nur in WebUntis vorgenommen.

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Registration for Grade 7 and 8

The information that was shared at the info evening about transitions from Grade 6 to 7 and Grade 7 to 8, including the link to the registration form, can be found on the transition page of our website.

Please note that registration is due February 28, 2023.


Die Informationen, die auf dem Infoabend über die Übergänge von der 6. zur 7. Klasse und von der 7. zur 8. Klasse präsentiert wurden, einschließlich des Links zum Anmeldeformular, finden Sie auf der Übergangsseite unserer Webseite.

Bitte beachten Sie, dass der Anmeldeschluss der 28. Februar 2023 ist. 

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Black History Month – Week 2

Dear JFKS, 

Here are your suggested daily actions for Black History Month. As we are a German-American school, this week features German Black history, leaders, and organizations. 

One month will never be enough to learn about history, let alone learn and honor Black leaders, but we encourage you all to use this time to dig into history and the present and reflect on where your own powers and privileges intersect and interlock. 

Again, these resources are not all-inclusive and Black history is not a monolith. We know we’ve already suggested it, but the free daily newsletters from Anti-Racism Daily are great as a resource to take antiracist steps toward action. 

IDEAS challenges our school community to use this opportunity to learn and further cultivate accountability with these histories, and to participate in conversations and other actions that can make our communities more empathetic and inclusive. 



Get familiar and educate yourself about…

Tuesday – Feb 14th

“It doesn’t matter how strong your opinions are. If you don’t use your power for positive change, you are, indeed, part of the problem.” – Corretta Scott King

Wednesday – Feb 15th

“You always seek to control others when you are not in full ownership of yourself.”- Cicely Tyson, Just as I Am

Thursday – Feb 16th 

“If you are silent about your pain, they’ll kill you and say you enjoyed it.” – Zora Neale Hurston 

Friday – Feb 17th

“You’ve never lived till you’ve flown!” – Bessie Coleman

Saturday – Feb 18th

“Racism is so universal in this country, so widespread, and deep-seated, that it is invisible because it is so normal.” – Shirley Chisolm 

Sunday – Feb 19th

“Authors do not supply imaginations, they expect their readers to have their own, and to use it”- Nella Larsen


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Black History Month – Week 1

Today is the second week of February and these are your suggested daily actions for Black History Month. As we are a German-American school, this week features German Black history, leaders, and organizations. 

One month will never be enough to learn about history, let alone learn and honor Black leaders, but we encourage you all to use this time to dig into history and the present and reflect on where your own powers and privileges intersect and interlock. 

Again, these resources are not all-inclusive and Black history is not a monolith. We know we’ve already suggested it, but the free daily newsletters from Anti-Racism Daily are great as a resource to take antiracist steps toward action. 

IDEAS challenges our school community to use this opportunity to learn and further cultivate accountability with these histories, and to participate in conversations and other actions that can make our communities more empathetic and inclusive. 




Get familiar and educate yourself about…

Tuesday – Feb 7th 

“It doesn’t matter how strong your opinions are. If you don’t use your power for positive change, you are, indeed, part of the problem.” – Corretta Scott King

Wednesday – Feb 8th

“You always seek to control others when you are not in full ownership of yourself.”- Cicely Tyson, Just as I Am

Thursday – Feb 9th 

“If you are silent about your pain, they’ll kill you and say you enjoyed it.” – Zora Neale Hurston 

Friday – Feb 10th

“You’ve never lived till you’ve flown!” – Bessie Coleman

Saturday – Feb 11th

“Racism is so universal in this country, so widespread, and deep-seated, that it is invisible because it is so normal.”

Shirley Chisolm 

Further Reading

Sunday – Feb 12th

“Authors do not supply imaginations, they expect their readers to have their own, and to use it”- Nella Larsen

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ES Student Council: Candy Gram Fundraiser for Earthquake Relief

Valentine’s Day and Candy Grams have arrived!
Student Council will be selling Candy Grams during the ES lunch this week through Monday, February 13. They are 1 € and include and personalized note & candy.
Students can purchase candy grams for friends, teachers & staff and they will be delivered to classrooms on Tuesday, February 14!
All funds raised will be donated to ahbap – a trusted organization to support disaster relief in Turkey, and to OCHA Syria Cross-border Humanitarian Fund, to support relief efforts in Syria.
THANKS in advance for your support!
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You can also download the copy in the password-protected PARENTS section of the website. Contact the secretaries for the password.


Das Schul-Bulletin für Februar wurde an alle Eltern per E-Mail an die uns vorliegenden Adressen verschickt. Falls Sie die Nachricht und den Anhang nicht erhalten haben und in die Verteilerliste aufgenommen werden möchten, wenden Sie sich bitte an die Sekretärinnen unter:


Sie können das Bulletin auch im passwortgeschützten ELTERN-Bereich der Website herunterladen. Wenden Sie sich an die Sekretariate, um das Passwort zu erhalten.

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