We learned about the recent passing of our former colleague and teacher Dr. Ulla Adelsberger.

Dr. Adelsberger joined the JFKS faculty in 1976 and taught Biology and Chemistry until her retirement. One former student wrote „Sie war wirklich eine tolle Lehrerin und der Grund, dass ich Bio-LK gewählt habe.“

Dr. Adelsberger passed away on April 21, 2023.

We would like to express our sincere condolences to her family and friends.

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We learned about the recent passing of our former colleague and teacher Friedrich Steiner.

Hr. Steiner joined the JFKS faculty in 1971 and taught Physics and Math in the high school until his retirement in 2004.

He is remembered as a pleasant and friendly teacher and colleague. One alumni said he was „nett, locker, liebte die Mathematik“, another stated „[er hat] nie aufgegeben mit mir hoffnungslosem Mathe-Fall.“

Hr. Steiner passed away on May 2, 2023.

We would like to express our sincere condolences to his family and friends.

Photo courtesy of his niece, A.P., JFKS Alumna.
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Haywire’s Open-Mic Night (07.06.)

Dear JFKS Community,

You’re invited to Haywire’s Open-Mic from 18:00-20:00, Wednesday, 7 June 2023 outside Haus Reil! Please join us to see/hear some of the published artists, poets, and performers in our newest magazine. 

Haywire is a JFKS student-led activity that publishes a biannual journal of student art work. We support the voices of JFKS artists and poets and hope to encourage the appreciation of art on campus.
Special thanks to Santiago for the Open-Mic poster.
See you on Wednesday, June 7!
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Congratulations to our JFKS WK3 girls basketball team for winning the Berlin championship again this year.

Go Rams!


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We learned about the recent passing of our former colleague and teacher Dr. Fawzy Guirguis.

Dr. Guirguis joined the JFKS faculty in the 60s and was a cherished teacher for many generations of JFKS students.

He was one of the founding members of the German Partner Tongue Department and is remembered by colleagues as a great teacher and friend.

We would like to express our sincere condolences to his family and friends.

Image courtesy of JFKS Alumni
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Baupiloten: Bericht – Report


Liebe Schulgemeinschaft, sehr geehrte Projektbeteiligte,

der Beteiligungsprozess für den Bauprozess der John-F.-Kennedy-Schule mit den Baupiloten geht in die letzte Runde. Vertreter*innen der Schulgemeinschaft haben in den vergangenen Monaten unter Moderation der Baupiloten an verschiedenen Terminen über die bauliche und organisatorische Zukunft der JFKS nachgedacht und diskutiert. Die Ergebnisse der Visionenwerkstatt, des Werkstattgesprächs und der Weiterdenkenwerkstatt wurden von den Baupiloten ausgewertet und zu einem Konzept zusammengebracht (Links siehe unten).

Wir laden Sie nun herzlich für Mittwoch, den 10.05.2023 von 16 bis 18 Uhr in die Aula der JFKS zur gemeinsamen Ergebniskonferenz ein.

Die Baupiloten werden den Prozess und das Ergebnis vorstellen. Im Anschluss können Fragen und Anmerkungen eingebracht und das Ergebnis diskutiert werden. Wir freuen uns auf zahlreiches Erscheinen und einen regen Austausch.


Dear JFKS Community, dear Project Participants,

The participation process for the construction process of the John F. Kennedy School with the Baupiloten is entering its final round. In the past few months, representatives of the school community have thought about and discussed the structural and organizational future of JFKS at various times, moderated by the Baupiloten.

The results of the vision workshop, the workshop discussion and the further thinking workshop were evaluated by the Baupiloten and brought together to form a concept (see links below).  

We cordially invite you to the results conference on Wednesday, May 10, 2023 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. in the Aula at JFKS.

The Baupiloten will present the process and the results, followed by a time for questions, comments and discussion. We look forward to an engaging conversation and many community members attending.

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You can also download the copy in the password-protected PARENTS section of the website. Contact the secretaries for the password.


Das Schul-Bulletin für Mai wurde an alle Eltern per E-Mail an die uns vorliegenden Adressen verschickt. Falls Sie die Nachricht und den Anhang nicht erhalten haben und in die Verteilerliste aufgenommen werden möchten, wenden Sie sich bitte an die Sekretärinnen unter:


Sie können das Bulletin auch im passwortgeschützten ELTERN-Bereich der Website herunterladen. Wenden Sie sich an die Sekretariate, um das Passwort zu erhalten.

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AMIS Honor Orchestra Festival (Madrid)

The students are having a great weekend making music with students from other international schools around Europe and the Middle East and working with a fabulous guest conductor from the US. We’ve also managed to see a bit of Madrid and are loving the warmth and the sunshine.

Tonight was the gala concert with a fabulous program! 

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Spring Play: Our Town (April 27+28+29) – Reserve your tickets!

We look forward to seeing you at one of our spring play shows on April 27, 28, and 29!

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TRAIN STRIKE: Friday (21.04.) – Regular School Day!

Liebe Eltern, 

aufgrund der positive Erfahrungen vom letzten Bahn-Streik, erwarten wir die Schülerinnen und Schüler morgen um 8:00 Uhr zum regulären Unterricht. Verspätungen aufgrund des Streiks oder erhöhten Verkehrsaufkommens werden von der Klassenleitung entschuldigt. 


Dear Parents,

due to the positive experiences from the last train strike, we expect students to be at school beginning at 8:00 am for a regular day of instruction. Any delays due to the strike or increased traffic will be excused by the homeroom teacher.


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